Chapter Twelve: Terrible Things

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Chapter Twelve: Terrible Things

~Gray Fullbuster~

A loud crash caused Gray to look up. Juvia stepped forward, touching his arm slightly.

"Damn these guys are relentless!" He said, gritting his teeth.

"Gray-sama. It's Sphinx Paw, isn't it?"

"Yeah." Gray looked back as Wendy, Levy and the exceeds bursted through the doors.

"They're here!" Lily said, transforming. Happy and Charle extended their wings and floated in the air.

"Where's Natsu?" Juvia asked.

The mage in question bursted through the doors next, his fist lit.

".....never mind." Juvia said, sweat dropping.

"Where's Michelangelo?!" Natsu spit.

"Calm down, hot head." Gray griped.

"Shut up, ice brain!" Natsu yelled.

"Natsu-san!" Natsu looked at Wendy who was clenching her fist.

"We should lead them away from the village!" The small girl said. Gray nodded.

"Lets go, guys!" He said.



~Lucy Heartfilia~

Lucy sat up as a thud echoed outside of her room. She climbed to her feet and leaned heavily on objects as she wobbled towards the door. Her fingers wrapped around the knob and she opened it.

"G-Gajeel?" She asked and he pulled him self up to all fours.

"Don't try to stop me, blondie." He growled and the door across the hall opened.

"Erza!" Lucy said and the scarlet haired mage leaned against the door frame.

"What are you doing, Gajeel?" Erza asked and his shoulders heaved as he looked up, one eye shut in pain.

"Levy..." Gajeel said and the girls looked at each other.

"Levy is out there. I need to protect the shrimp." He said, determinedly.

"Gajeel, we can all barely stand." Erza said and Lucy reached to her hip, grabbing her keys.

"I summon the gate of the maiden," Lucy said, holding out a key. "Virgo!" She exclaimed and Virgo appeared, bowing.

"Is it time for punishment, hime?" Virgo asked.

"No. I need your help." Lucy said. Virgo looked at her.

"I need you to get me, Erza and Gajeel to Natsu and the others. Can you do that?" Lucy asked and Virgo bowed.

"Are you able to bring out Leo? I do not think that I will be able to hold all three of you."

"Yes. Yes I can." Lucy said, smiling. Virgo helped Gajeel off of the floor as Lucy summoned Loke.

"Lets go!" Lucy said as soon as she was in Loke's arms.


~Natsu Dragneel~

"Sky Dragon's Roar!" Wendy yelled and air shot from her mouth. About five miles out of town, Fairy Tail and Sphinx Paw was in a large battle:

Levy and Lily against Monroe.

Gray and Juvia against Halibut.

Natsu, Wendy, Happy and Charle against Len.

"Again, Wendy!" Natsu yelled.

"Alright!" Wendy yelled back. "Sky Dragon's Roar!"

The air shot down towards Len who easily dodged the attack.

"Fire Dragon's Roar!" Natsu yelled, fire erupting from his mouth. He shot down as Len dodged.

"Fire Dragon's fist!" He yelled, his fist turning into fire. He shot it forward and he hit the ground at full force, Happy flying back from him as his paws were ripped away from Natsu's vest.

"Natsu!" Happy screamed.

"Happy!" Natsu yelled, thrusting his hand out. A strong wind randomly appeared and Happy was swept away.

"Wendy what are you-" Natsu began, looking up.

"That wasn't me!" Wendy yelled down. "Natsu-san! Watch out!" The scream that emitted from Wendy's lips caused Natsu to spin around. His eyes bulged as Len's fist connected with his stomach, sending him flying back.

"Not as fast without your exceed, huh?!" Len yelled as Natsu crashed into a rock. Natsu pulled him self to his feet and looked around.

Juvia was being held hostage by Monroe, screaming at Gray just to hit her with his attacks so they could take the other girl down. Gray was refusing, his Ice Make arrow notched and ready to shoot.

Lily was on the ground and small Levy was attempting to protect him with her Solid Script magic but she was slowly failing.

Natsu looked up at Wendy, who had landed and was running towards him, Charle clutched in her arms. Natsu turned and an 'oof' escaped his lips as she crashed into his chest.

"I'm sorry, Natsu-san." The small dragon slayer sobbed into his chest. Natsu wrapped one arm around her small waist and looked at Len who smiled at him.

"Ready to die?" He asked and Natsu looked down at Wendy who sobbed softly into his chest.

'This is it...' He thought and closed his eyes, resting his face in Wendy's hair. 'Sorry, Luce.'

"Iron Dragon's Roar!" A loud crash exploded in front of Natsu and Wendy, sending them flying back. Natsu looked up and his eyes widened as three bandaged mages appeared in front of the two dragon slayers.

"Gajeel?" Natsu said. "Erza? Lucy?!"

"Gajeel-san!" Wendy said happily. Gajeel looked back.

"Geehee." He said, smirking.

"Gajeel! Go to Levy!" Erza said and he nodded, taking off.

"Lucy! Go help Gray!" Erza exclaimed, throwing her arm out.

"Right!" Lucy said.

"Erza! What are you guys doing here?! Are you ok?!" Natsu exclaimed and Erza nodded, changing into her Robe of Yūen armor.

"A kimono?! Are you that eager for death, Erza Scarlet?!" Len yelled hysterically and Erza smiled.

"I have to repay you what you did to my friends. And my hair." She said, gesturing at her chopped hair, a choppy bob (like Edolas Erza) on one side and long and flowey on the other side. Len smiled, his own red hair flowing behind him, his hair tie gone after the attacks from Wendy and Natsu.

"Alright." He said, and two swords appeared, the blades dark red and purple. "Lets settle this, Erza Scarlet!"


The battles are about to begin!

What will the outcomes be?

Find out in the next chapter:

Chapter Thirteen: I believe in you, Gray-sama!


I will see you again (A Fairy Tail Fanfiction) *WILL BE REWRITING WHEN IOAE IS FINISHED* Where stories live. Discover now