Chapter Twenty-Three: Do Fairy's have Tail's?

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Chapter Twenty-Three: Do Fairy's have Tail's?

Once upon a time, there was a woman. This woman was said to be the most beautiful woman in all of Fiore, her beauty exceeding that of a fairy.

Her name, was Layla Heartfilia.

Now her daughter, though small, also had a beauty unconquerable by any other child her age.

This was the child known as Lucy Heartfilia.

She would grow to be a powerful celestial mage, beautiful woman and celebrated member of the infamous guild:

Fairy Tail.

Her mother would tell her stories of the founding of Lucy's all time favorite guild. The one question that always puzzled the celestial mage was;

Do Fairy's have tail's?

When her mother had died, she began to forget about all the tales her mother told her but still two things resided in the back of her mind;

Fairy Tail and the nagging question.

Now, all she could think of was that question.

Do Fairy's have tail's?

Well do they?


Yes it's extremely short.

But it's important.

I'll update more later today I promise!

Read on to Chapter Twenty-Four: Lucy's choice and Gray's mistake!


I will see you again (A Fairy Tail Fanfiction) *WILL BE REWRITING WHEN IOAE IS FINISHED* Where stories live. Discover now