Chapter Twenty: A ray of hope!

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Can I just say that I'm happy that you've read this far :)

It makes me happy to know that you care enough to read to chapter TWENTY!!

Thank you so much and continue to enjoy till the end :3


----------------•I will see you again-----

Chapter Twenty: A ray of hope!

~Natsu Dragneel~


Natsu's eyes flew open and he looked around groggily.

"Wha-" he started when his eyes landed on his surroundings.

"Natsu!" Natsu turned his head to the left and his face settled into a glare.

"Len." He said through his teeth.

Len looked at him in relief.

"What the hell is happening?!" Natsu asked.

"We're strapped to Slayer Mayhem." Len said simply and Natsu blinked, looking around again. He spotted the cuffs around his wrists and ankles and began to struggle.

A sharp pain bursted like a star fire through his side and he cried out.

Eyes going down, Natsu was surprised to find a rather large needle sticking out of his side and he realized, with horrified realization, that his vest and scarf were gone.

"Why am I- I DON'T WANT TO BE LIKE THAT DAMN STRIPPER!!" Natsu yelled and Len sweat dropped.

"Wait...where's Lucy?!" Natsu began looking around frantically and Len gestured with head. Natsu looked up and his eyes widened. "Lucy! Oi! Lucy! Can you hear me?!"

"She's unconscious, Natsu." Len sighed and Natsu gritted his teeth.

'Why is she unconscious?!' He thought to him self and began jerking his body back and forth, attempting to get out of his restraints.

"What are you doing?" Len asked and Natsu growled, straining against the bands. "You're going to kill yourself!" Len yelled frantically.

"I don't care!" Natsu yelled and willed his body to burst into flames.

"Stop!!" Len yelled.

"I promised Lucy I would protect her!!!! I have to save her!!! Lucy!!!" Natsu screamed. He winced as the needle in his side exploded and flew shatters away. An alarm went off and Natsu increased the power of the inferno around him.

The steel behind him was melting, sizzling to the ground as Natsu's rage and need to get to Lucy increased. He felt hot tears dripping down his cheeks and he watched as the doors leading into the room were wrenched open. He smirked as he increased his power with a battle cry. They wouldn't be able to get to him. Not with out being burnt to a crisp.

"What the hell?!"

"Somebody get Michelangelo!"

"He's gonna melt the machine!!"


The bands around Natsu's wrists and ankles snapped and he fell to the ground, lunging forward and punching the person nearest him in the face. He looked around as the guards approached him and he bent backwards, drawing in power.

"Fire Dragons: ROAR!" Natsu yelled and the fire exploded from his lungs. The guards yelled and screamed in terror as they ran away from Natsu. Natsu smirked with satisfaction and turned towards the stairs leading to Lucy. He tripped as he ran up the stairs but he quickly pulled himself up, running and pushing off the ground with his fingers.

I will see you again (A Fairy Tail Fanfiction) *WILL BE REWRITING WHEN IOAE IS FINISHED* Where stories live. Discover now