Chapter Twenty-Eight: Like Phantom Lord but worse.

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Chapter Twenty-Eight: Like Phantom Lord but worse.

~Elfman Strauss~


Elfman and Lisanna walked together, talking quietly.



"Natsu and Lucy are getting close, aren't they?" Lisanna asked, stretching her arms forward. Elfman looked down at his sister and smiled, ruffling her hair.

"You look sad. Real men don't get sad." Elfman said. Lisanna smiled up at him and her small hand slid into his large one, much to his surprise; he hadn't held his sisters hand in awhile.

"Elfman! Lisanna!" The two of them turned and Lisanna smiled.

"Hey! Levy!" Lisanna said, waving. Levy ran to them, smiling. "How are you?"

Levy shrugged and fiddled with with her fingernails.

"I heard about Gajeel." Lisanna said and Elfman snorted.

"Real men don't get taken down that easily." He said and Lisanna slapped his arm. Levy smiled weakly at them and looked back down at the floor. The three of them walked silently.

"I have a bad feeling all of a sudden." Levy murmured after awhile. Elfman looked at her.

"What do you mean?" Lisanna asked.

"I don't-"


Elfman blinked and turned his head, soon enough before a bright pink flower devoured him whole.


~Gajeel Redfox~

Gajeel woke with a start, jerking up in bed. Pain shot through his body and a pitiful groan escaped his lips. His hand flew to his side as his left eye squeezed shut in pain.

'The hell?' He looked down and spotted the bandages wrapped around his stomach. '......right....' He pushed up off of the bed and stood, resting his hand on the sheets. 'I have a bad feeling right now....' He thought, stumbling to the door. He reached for the knob, leaning heavily against it as his eyes landed on a cane. His fingers groped for the head and hobbled out of the room.

Nurses and doctors rushed past him, all with horrified or anguished looks on their faces. He grabbed one.

"What the hell is going on?" He growled.

"Oh! Mr. Redfox! You're awake!" The nurse stammered, her blue eyes wide.

"What is going on?" He repeated.

"Magnolia's citizens are dropping like flies! We have no idea what's going on!"

"Gajeel!" Gajeel and the nurse turned their heads.

"Jet? Droy?" Gajeel mused. The two men had tears in their eyes.

"It's happened again!" Droy sobbed.


"It's Levy!" Jet exclaimed.


Gajeel's jaw clenches as his knees go weak.


Levy, Lisanna and Elfman were hanging from the exact tree Gajeel had attached Levy and her teammates to all those years ago.

Levy was bent over backwards on the lowest branch. Her body was covered in burns and her blue hair was black with soot.

Lisanna was bent over the branch above her, her stomach on the branch. She was soaked and cuts covered every inch of her skin.

I will see you again (A Fairy Tail Fanfiction) *WILL BE REWRITING WHEN IOAE IS FINISHED* Where stories live. Discover now