Chapter Thirty-Two: Icy hearts and frozen secrets.

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Chapter Thirty-Two: Icy hearts and frozen secrets.

~Gray Fullbuster~

Gray holds his injured hand to his chest, left eye shut in pain.

'Dammit, dammit, dammit' he growls in his head as he stands up. Michelangelo smiled and put his hands in his pockets.

"I haven't even had to shift forms, Gray. You sure you don't want to call your friends back?" He asks and Gray looks up, his eyebrow arching.

"And wuss out? Nah, I don't think so." Gray said, smirking. Michelangelo rolled his eyebrows and then, Gray was flying through the air. Gray groaned as he hit the earthy wall.

"Dammit..." He murmurs as Michelangelo rams into him, pushing him farther into the wall and knocking Gray out cold.


"Mom! Look at what I made!" Gray's head turned and his lips pursed as a black haired girl ran forward, holding her hands out.

"Oh that's beautiful, sweetheart." The woman said, giving the girl a closed eye smile. The girl turned towards Gray, holding her hands towards him.

"It's just a flower." Gray scoffed, turning and resting his head on his hand. The girl pouted and turned away.

"You're a meanie, Gray-kun." Gray rolled his eyes.

"Whatever." Gray's seven year old voice showed his complete and utter lack of enthusiasm.

"Mom! Gray-kun doesn't like my flower!" The girl cried. Gray stood and turned.

"Gray, you could try and be a little nicer to your sister." The black haired lady said, turning her head towards Gray. Gray rolled his eyes again.

"Why should I mom? It's just a flower." Gray said, looking up at her. His sister stuck her tongue out at him, turning in a flurry of blue clothes and black hair. She stalked away and Gray turned to his mom, putting his hand in his pocket.

"Why does she act like that? She's three years older then me." He says and Gray's mom gives him a closed eye smile, ruffling his hair with her hand.

"Give her some credit. At least she has an imagination." And with that she turned and left. Gray blinked.

".... I have an imagination." He said aloud, his brow furrowing.

Later that night, Gray and his sister laid in their bedroom, sleeping soundly.

The loud roar that awoke Gray was a sound that he would never forget in his entire life.

He jumped up in bed and looked around wildly.

"Gray-kun!" He looked over at his sister who was pointing frantically at the window. Gray scrambled over to the bed and looked out. His eyes widened.

"What is that?!" He asks.

"I...I don't know!" His sister cried. The door to their bedroom opened. A man stood in the doorway, his white hair hanging in his eyes.

"Grandpa!" Gray said, his eyes wide.

"Come you two!" Gray's grandfather yelled in his deep, baritone voice. Gray and his sister scurried toward the old man. Gray's sister was sobbing and their grandpa whisked her up into his arms, bursting out of the front door.

The town was burning and in terror.

"Where's Papa?" Gray yelled.

"Never mind that Gray! We're leaving the village!"

I will see you again (A Fairy Tail Fanfiction) *WILL BE REWRITING WHEN IOAE IS FINISHED* Where stories live. Discover now