Chapter Six; The Hunt for Fairy Tail's Dragon Slayers!

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Chapter Six; The Hunt for Fairy Tail's Dragon Slayers!

~Juvia Lockser~

Juvia watched as Lucy comforted Levy, sitting on a nearby random boulder. The surroundings around them were like a desert, complete with sand, rocks and no trees. Gray sat next to Natsu, tapping his knee. Lily, Happy and Charle all sat by Wendy's feet.

'What happened to Gray-sama?' Juvia thought, looking at the bandages around his arms and, well, everything. Gray glanced over at her and she blushed.

"So what happened to him?" Gray asked and Levy wiped at her face.

"This woman," Levy spat. "Came into the guild asking for his help. I....I heard him scream...I've never heard a sound so full of agony." Levy sniffed and Lucy rubbed her shoulders. "Juvia and I ran outside and they...they were gone. We came to find you and-"

"Did you run into Erza?" Natsu asked, leaning forward. Levy shook her head.


Natsu crossed his arms, standing

"Don't get any idea's Flame Brain," Gray said. "You can't go back. Not with Gajeel missing."

"We have to find her!" Natsu blurted and Lucy looked up at him.

"Erza asked me to protect you. I'm going to do that!" Gray said.

"But what if something bad happened to her?" Lucy asked, standing.

"Yeah! What if she's hurt?" Wendy said, holding her hand to her chest.

Gray looked at them and Juvia looked away, looking at her pale hands contrast against her brown clothes.

"Lucy, you can't really expect me to go against Erza's wishes!" Gray said.

"It shouldn't matter! She's our friend! Why should it matter that we go after her?!" Lucy was yelling now and Juvia clenched her hands.

"I know that! I have to protect my friends and you running off isn't going to help me!" Gray yelled back.

Juvia looked up at Lucy.

"Lucy. Juvia agrees with Gray-sama." She said and Lucy looked at her, blinking. "I don't know why the guild is after you or Wendy or Natsu or Gajeel-kun, but we have to protect you from them. Running back will just make you an easier target."

"But..." Lucy sat down slowly and it was Levy's turn to comfort her. Gray's hands were clenched into fists and his head was cast down, shadows concealing his eyes. Natsu, who was being strangely silent, punched a boulder, cursing.

"Natsu-san..." Wendy murmured when she saw her fellow dragon slayers bloodied knuckles.

The clang of metal behind them made them look back.

"N-no way..." Lucy said and Wendy burst into tears.

"Dammit!" Natsu yelled, lunging forward and Gray grabbed him, malice in his eyes.

Len smiled, holding up his prize-a hefty chunk of scarlet hair and the Fire Empress armor's sword- and threw them forward.

"Where's Erza, you bastard!" Natsu yelled.

"Titania is gone. Her power will be added to the Iron dragon slayer's power." Len said simply, smirking. Levy stood up, clenching her fist.

"Where is Gajeel!" She exclaimed, tears in the corner of her eyes. It wasn't in the form of a question; it was a demand. Juvia had never seen a more determined look on the script mages face; it kind of scared her.

I will see you again (A Fairy Tail Fanfiction) *WILL BE REWRITING WHEN IOAE IS FINISHED* Where stories live. Discover now