Chapter Twenty-Two: I wish you could know...

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Chapter Twenty-Two: I wish you could know...

~Lucy Heartfilia~

Where was she?

That was the biggest question.

She was aware of what was happening but she didn't know where she was.

'Why does this always happen to me?!?!' Lucy yelled hysterically, kicking.

'Lu-chan!' Lucy turned her head and her eyes widened.

'Levy-chan! Len Carmen!' Lucy said, swimming forward. Levy grabbed her hands and the two girls hugged tightly.

'Why are you here?!' Lucy asked.

'Gajeel and I were captured. Gajeel refused to give them any of his energy so they took me. I don't really remember what happened after that except that I met up with Len. Then we found you.' Levy explained. Lucy held her friends hands tightly and looked at Len.

'I'm sorry, Lucy. I tried to get you out of here....but I failed.' Len dropped to his knees and bowed his head.

'Please forgive me!' He cried and Lucy looked at Levy. Levy smiled, tilting her head and Lucy looked back at Len.

She walked to him and kneeled in front of him.


The boy looked up into her eyes and Lucy smiled.

'You're lucky that I am a forgiving person. I forgive you.' Len's eyes widened and tears filled them slowly as he smiled.

'You're so kind...' He said and Lucy smiled back.


~Wendy Marvell~

Wendy, Gray, Erza, Juvia and the exceeds leaned around the corner.

"Well the place isn't abandoned." Gray said helpfully.

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing." Juvia whispered.

"This is reminding me of the Infinity Clock thing...." Charle mused.

"A-Aye..." Happy agreed.

"Quiet." Lily hissed.

"Ok...their guarding that spot pretty heavily." Erza said, pointing. The door she was pointing at was definitely protected, a little over protected. "Happy, Lily, Charle and I will distract them. The rest of you go through the door." The group nodded and Erza requiped into her normal Heart Kruez armor.

"Lets go!" Erza said, charging out.

"Aye!" Happy yelled and he and Charle zipped out. Lily transformed and grabbed his sword, yelling a battle cry.

"Fairy Tail!" The guards yelled.

"Lets sneak past." Gray whispered and Wendy nodded. They moved past and were almost to the door until:

"Hey! Stop!" Wendy turned her head.

"Sky Dragon's: ROAR!" She yelled and the torrent of air escaped her mouth. The guards yelled and the small group ran past the doors, slamming them shut behind them. Gray froze the door and stepped back.

"That was close." Gray heaved.

"Y-Yeah." Wendy agreed warily.

"Gray-sama! Look!" Gray looked up and his eyes widened.

"W-wow..." He said.

"Natsu-san!" Wendy ran towards Natsu who was strapped to a steel 'X'. Gray looked around and held his arm out.

"We aren't alone." He said. Juvia looked at him.

"What do you mean?" Wendy asked, looking back. She watched as his eyes widened and he yelled:

"Wendy! Get over here!" Wendy looked up and screamed, running towards Gray. Loretta jumped down from the top of the machine and the ground exploded as she landed. Wendy flew into Gray and Juvia and the three of them flew back against the door.

"Good job, Loretta." Gray looked up and growled.


Michelangelo smiled.

"Did you honestly think that you could get into my place and get away easily?" He asked and Gray growled again. Michelangelo thrust his hand out.

"Get them!"

Guards bursted out of nowhere and the small group stood.

"Water Nebula!" Juvia yelled.

"Sky Dragon's: Talons!" Wendy exclaimed.

"Ice Make: Floor!" Gray yelled.

Guards went tumbling, yelling and screaming as they were struck by the three spells.

Wendy turned and did spell after spell, knocking out guards in groups.

"It's useless! They just keep coming." Gray yelled, his Ice Cannon shooting down enemies.

"Wendy!" Wendy turned at Juvia's scream. Loretta was there in front of her, her hair flying back.

"Moon Dragon's...." Wendy's eyes widened. "ROAR!!" Black and silver shot towards Wendy.

"Wendy!!!" Juvia screamed.

"No!!" Gray yelled. Wendy hit the wall and as she collapsed, she caught sight of Loretta.

"A Dragon...slayer? No....." Wendy hit the floor and her eyes fluttered. " she?"




~Juvia Lockser~

"No!! Wendy!" Juvia ran towards the collapsed dragon slayer, taking out guards with her Water Nebula. She skidded to a halt and fell to the ground next to Wendy, picking the girl up. She looked at Loretta and the guards closing in around them.

A pair of familiar legs appeared in front of her and she looked up.

"We can't give up, Juvia." Gray said. He knelt and grabbed Juvia's face in his hand. "We can never give up."

Tears spilled down Juvia's cheeks as she nodded.

"Right....we can't give up!" She exclaimed and the guards closed in. Gray wrapped his arms around her and Wendy and held them tightly as they were piled on top of by guards.

'I wish you could know, sorry I am for giving up at the end.' Juvia thought and her world went dark.


Well snap......

Everybody has been captured.

Is there any way that our hero's will get out of this victorious?

Why did Len and Levy show up to where Lucy is? What happened to them?

Is this end of some of Fairy Tail's strongest mages?

Stick around to find out!

Chapter Twenty-Three: Do Fairy's have Tail's?


I will see you again (A Fairy Tail Fanfiction) *WILL BE REWRITING WHEN IOAE IS FINISHED* Where stories live. Discover now