Chapter Thirty-Five: Can you keep a secret, Gray?

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Chapter Thirty-Five: Can you keep a secret, Gray?

~Gray Fullbuster~

"Can I talk to you, Gray?" Makarov asked, causing the ice mage to turn.

"What's up, Gramps?" He asks, sticking his hands in his pockets.

"I need to tell you something's. Can you keep a secret, Gray?" Makarov mused, causing Gray to raise an eyebrow in question.


"Then listen carefully, my child."


~Lucy Heartfilia~

Lucy picked at her fingernails, her feet resting lazily in the water. Her guild mates were running around her, the pool loud with their chaotic noise.

"Come on, Lu-chan." Levy said, leaning forward towards the blonde. "Come swim with Gajeel, Jet, Droy, Lily and I."

"I'm not swimming." Lily said, crossing his small arms.

"I beg to differ. If I have to get in your getting in." Gajeel said, glaring down at the exceed. Lily sighed as Lucy smiled at Levy.

"No. I'll get in later, Levy-chan." Lucy said, waving her hand dismissively. Levy pouted and turned, taking Gajeel's hand as they walked to the pool.

She knew that Levy knew that she was lying. But Lucy just wasn't in the mood to get in the water. Happy was splashing in the water with Charle and Wendy, laughing maniacally as he drenched the poor female exceed. Lucy smiled as Charle scolded Happy and a hand on her shoulder makes her look up.

"Freed?" She wonders and the green hair mage squats, smiling at her.

"Come in, Lucy. The water is great." Lucy looks at the goosebumps on his skin.

".......right." She says and Freed sweat drops.

"It's fine. I get could easily."

"Thanks but no thanks." Lucy says, looking out at the water.

"Can't say I didn't warn you." He says, standing.

"Huh?" Lucy turned, a question on her face.

"Baby." Bickslow said, smiling wickedly at Lucy. Her eyes widened as the green-eyed man picked her up and practically launched the two of them into the pool. Lucy screamed and sucked in a breath as they hit the water, Bickslow's strong grip keeping her from moving. She finally succeeded in pulling away and she burst out of the water, sucking in air. Everybody laughed and Lucy turned on Bickslow, her face burning in embarrassment.

"You should have saw your face!" Romeo was laughing, holding his stomach and bending over in the semi-deep water. Lucy glared at him. Romeo coughed into his hand, trying to cover up his laughter and failing terribly. Lucy pushed her self up out of the water, stalking to her chair with steam practically coming from her ears.

"I was just trying to cheer you up." Freed said as Bickslow pulled himself out of the pool, jogging over to her.

"Well, you didn't." Lucy snapped, glaring at Bickslow. The tall mage held his hands up in mock surrender and Lucy plopped down, pushing her wet hair out of her face.

"Come on, where's the cosplayer girl that was all pumped earlier?" Bickslow asked, crossing his arms over his chest. Lucy grew an anime vein and crossed her own arms.

"Once again, I'm not a cosplayer. We went over this forever ago. And I don't know." Lucy said, looking away.

"Come on, leave her alone you two." Lucy and the boys looked up.

"Laxus!" Freed said, his eyes sparkling. The blonde haired boy looked at him, his arms crossed over his strong chest. Mira was at his side in a skimpy bikini that was currently making almost every boy and some girls to stare with lust at the white haired mage. Mira smiled.

"Did you enjoy the water, Lucy?" Mira asked and Lucy looked at her elder mage sourly.

"No. This jerk to me in their against my will!" Lucy said, waving her hand at Bickslow. "And this one helped!" She said, gesturing at Freed.

"No I didn't! I swear, Laxus I didn't!" Freed said frantically, looking back and forth between Laxus and Lucy.


"Yes, Laxus?"

"Shut up."


Laxus sighed and looked at Lucy.

"You're gonna have to get over the kids death eventually." He said.

"I know." Lucy said, wringing a piece of hair out with her pointer finger and thumb. Laxus ruffled her hair and walked off, leaving Lucy alone to her thoughts.

'Natsu....' She thinks to her self, the pink haired mages kind face coming into mind.


Sorry for the late update guys!

I had a choir thing yesterday and finals are coming up and life has just been hectic!

But hey, I only have seven more days of school left :)


Where I'm staying this summer, I won't be able to have update regularly because I won't have wifi :'(

But I'll update when I can that's a promise <3

Four chapters left!

You guys are awesome for sticking around for so long!

Chapter Thirty-Six: Once in a blue moon!


I will see you again (A Fairy Tail Fanfiction) *WILL BE REWRITING WHEN IOAE IS FINISHED* Where stories live. Discover now