Chapter Thirty-Nine: Will you catch me?

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Chapter Thirty-Nine: Will you catch me?

~Lucy Heartfilia~

Fairy Tail was at a water park and it was hectic. Like always.

"Come on, Lucy!" Natsu was yelling at Lucy around the corner that led to the girls changing room.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" Lucy cried, tying her swimsuit top. Adjusting her pigtails and giving herself a satisfied nod in the mirror, Lucy left the room, her towel wrapped around her shoulders.

"Finally! I thought I was gonna have to send Happy in to get you!" Natsu said, crossing his arms over his chest.

"And see Lucy naked? No thank you!" Happy said, smiling at the pink haired mage. An anime vein popped up on Lucy's forehead and she sighed, looking out at the water. Elfman was chasing Romeo and Wendy around, screaming something about being a man as Romeo cackled manically, holding Wendy's hand and dragging the poor girl, who currently had waterfall tears streaming down her cheeks, around the pool. Macao and Wakaba were perving on some girls and Cana was glaring at them, oblivious to the pool attendant who was yelling at her for consuming alcohol at the pool. Gajeel and Levy were on inner tubes and Levy was giggling at Gajeel's slight motion sickness problem with the twirling tube as Lily held Asuka up on his shoulders, Al and Bisca watching from the sidelines. Gray and Juvia were sitting on the beach chairs laid out and Gray had his hand lovingly on Juvia's stomach, rubbing the now slightly visible bump tenderly.

Natsu snapped his fingers in front of Lucy's face and she blinked, stopping her dazing off and yanking her back into reality.


"I said do you want to go on the water slide?" Natsu asked, pouting slightly.

"Won't that affect your motion sickness?" Lucy asked, watching as Happy flew over to Charle. Natsu waved his hand and gave her a smile.

"I'll try not to puke!" He said and Lucy sweat dropped.

"Well isn't that reassuring?" She said. Natsu smiled and grabbed her hand, dragging her to the slide. As Lucy began to walk up the steps, Natsu's hand slipped from her own and she looked back.

"I'll catch you at the bottom." He said, smiling.

"You don't want to ride?"

"Nah, puking on a water slide isn't exactly attractive or romantic." He said, shrugging. Lucy smiled and began jogging up the stairs before turning.

"Will you catch me?" She asked, suddenly feeling the urge to ask the question. Natsu smiled and opened his arms wide.

"Always, Luce." He said and Lucy smiled.

When Lucy shot out of the slide, Natsu did catch her, holding her in his arms securely as she wiped the water out of her eyes to look at him. Before she could, he kissed her, softly before pulling back and whispering so softly, Lucy could barely hear him over the yells and splashes of her guild mates.

"And I'll never let you go again. That's a promise."


~Natsu Dragneel~

Natsu opened Lucy's apartment door slowly and walked through, holding onto her legs as her soft snores seemed to tickle the back of his neck. He pulled her forward, laying her down and smiling when he discovered that her hand was wrapped tightly around his scarf. He unwrapped it and laid it next to her, watching with a loving smile as she curled her body around it and tucked her hand under her head. He turned, walking around the apartment and admiring the little trinkets and things on her shelves, pausing at her desk as his eyes landed on the stack of papers on Lucy's desk.

Seven words were written across the top in Lucy's neat handwriting:

The Princess and the Dragon.
Lucy Heartfilia

Natsu picked it up and removed the top sheet and his eyes widened as he read.

'These....are all the things Lucy and I have done together.' Natsu got to the last one and smiled at the paragraph.

'The main character and the hero fall in love. Like she had always dreamed. Feeling his lips, soft beneath her own. His hair, silky between her fingers. His eyes, burning into hers with such an intense love that her heart flutters at just the mention of his name. She loves him. He loves her. It's perfect.'

Natsu began reading, curling up in the corner as he read the rather lengthy book, smiling at the things the main character and her hero did. Natsu couldn't help but notice the inconspicuous hints of love that Lucy felt seemingly poured across the pages and he only smiled at some of the things the main character did.

Things Lucy would do. Things his Lucy would do.

When he got to the last page, the sun was beginning to rise, yellow, orange and red streaming through the closed blinds. His eyes went to the last line and he discovered that it was cut halfway between, with an arrow pointing right. He flipped over the page and his face warmed as he read it with a smile:

'I'll come back. My love story is just beginning with the love of my life. Now he's back, and we can continue. I love him. With all of my heart.

~L.H. '

Natsu rearranged the papers and sat them back down onto her desk. He turned then, watching Lucy sleeping soundly as her right hand pushed her cheek up cutely. Natsu climbed into her bed, pulling her to him softly and embracing her. Poluchka had brought him back with a series of complicated spells and potions, and had been unsure as to if he would survive. When he did come back, he could only think of one thing.

It was the thing he was thinking about now.

Lucy Heartfilia....and her heart of gold full of love for him.

The princess and the dragon.

Lucy and Natsu.

So different, yet the same. So childish, yet so mature.

He loved her.

And he always would.



This is NOT the final chapter! Next chapter is and I want to thank you guys one more time before I begin the next chapter. Thanks for making this story my most loved and viewed story. That means so much to me and there is no way that I could ever repay you enough.

I need help from you guys though.

After I'm done with all of my other stories (which will take FOREVER, gomen, gomen) which OTP should I do?






ElfGreen (or whatever they are called)

Or whatever you guys can think of!

I'll even do crack couples!

(No NaWen though....that's just to....eww....for me)

Or if you want a story dedicated to you, I'm also doing that! Isn't that fun xD

Alright I've wasted enough of your time!

Go forth to the next--and final!-- chapter of I will see you again!

Chapter Forty: Now and Forever {END}


I will see you again (A Fairy Tail Fanfiction) *WILL BE REWRITING WHEN IOAE IS FINISHED* Where stories live. Discover now