Chapter Five: Attack

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Chapter Five: Attack

~Lucy Heartfilia~

Lucy changed slowly into the clothes that Virgo had brought her from the Celestial world, a black crop top with a white heart in the front, a short skirt and a pair of black socks that went all the way to her thighs. A pair of white knee boots and a matching pair of frilly arm warmers plus black ribbons holding her hair back in two pigtails completed the look. She looked at her self in the mirror and sighed.

"Of course, the bandages and bruises make this out fit to die for." She said, comical waterfalls of tears spilling down her cheeks.

"Lucy-san, can I come in?" Wendy asked from the other side of the door.

"A-Ah..." Wendy came in after the reply and smiled at her.

"You look awesome!" The girl said and Lucy smiled.

"How's Gray?" Lucy asked and Wendy giggled.

"He's fighting with Natsu-san." She said and Lucy sweat dropped.

The girls left the room and walked to the lobby, talking.

"Just cause your in bad shape doesn't mean I can't kick your ass!" Natsu yelled and Lucy looked up.

"Just because I'm in bad shape doesn't mean I can't kick your ass, Flame Brain!" Gray countered. Lucy rolled her eyes.

"Go Natsu! Nat-zu! Nat-zu!" Happy cheered, pumping his small fists into the air.

"You're supporting this?!" Lucy exclaimed.


"Damn cat..." Lucy murmured and Erza came up, bonking the boys head together. Wendy, Lucy and Charle sweat dropped and Happy hid behind Lucy's leg.

"Will you two stop? It's time to go." She said, her hands on her hips.

"A-aye..." The boys said wearily.


"So the guild hall for Sphinx Paw is this way, according to the inn owner." Erza said, pointing towards the cemetery.

"In the cemetery?" Lucy asked, shaking slightly. "Like actually in the cemetery?"

"No. Just that way. He said it was about a three days trip past the cemetery." Erza explained and Lucy let out a sigh of relieve.

"Thank goodness."

"But...why can't we just wait for the guild to attack again? That way, we can just fight them here and protect the villagers?" Wendy asked.

"Because why wait when we can get to them?" Natsu asked.

"We'd still be waiting, we'd just be walking." Wendy said and Natsu's brow furrowed, the thought going straight over his head.

"Yeah why not just wait?" Gray asked. Erza sighed and opened her mouth to talk.

"Run!! Sphinx Paw!!" A voice screamed as a crash rang through the air.

"Is that how the notify people all the time?" Natsu yelled as people ran past them, screaming. Lucy reached for her keys, Erza summoned a sword, Gray crossed his left arm across his body, putting his fist in his right palm, Natsu lit his fists and Wendy took a stance, a determined look on her face.

Lucy pulled two keys out when her eyes locked with Monroe's and the other female smirked.

"Are these the guys?" Natsu asked.

Michelangelo, Monroe, Len and Halibut stood in front of them, intimidating looks of over confidence on their faces.

"Fish!" Happy exclaimed once his large eyes landed on Halibut.

I will see you again (A Fairy Tail Fanfiction) *WILL BE REWRITING WHEN IOAE IS FINISHED* Where stories live. Discover now