Chapter Thirty-Four: Aftermath and after scars

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Chapter Thirty-Four: Aftermath and after scars.

~Gajeel Redfox~

Exactly two weeks and three days after the battle with Sphinx Paw had ended, Gajeel was sitting at the bar with Lily. Mirajane was cleaning a mug, her eyes on a solemn blonde at the end of the bar and she sighed, setting the mug down on the counter with a small clang of glass against wood.

"I thought things would return to normal after a while." Mira said. Gajeel took a swig of his drink and sighed.

"Salamander isn't here any more. The entire guild is a little less lively then it usually is." He grumbled. Lily, picked at the skin of the kiwi in his hand with a far away interest.

"Well Natsu always was one to start a fight." The exceed said, his eyes roaming over to Lucy. Gajeel watched her as well. He was surprised; neither she or Salamander's cat had emerged from their houses for the past two weeks. Lily had said that Happy had refused to leave Natsu's bed when Lily and Charle had gone to check up on the exceed with Lisanna. Levy had finally convinced Lucy to drag her self out of bed and Levy and Juvia had sat the girl down at the bar an hour ago. And there she was, still in the same position: her forehead on the counter, blonde hair a dirty mess, arms hanging loosely by her sides.

Gajeel sighed as he stood, shoving his hands in his pockets. Mira and Lily watched him in surprise as he shambled over to Lucy.

"Get up." Gajeel said and Lucy flinched slightly.

"Gajeel. Leave her alone." Lily said.

"No. Get up and grow up, blondie. He's gone there's nothing you can do about it." Gajeel growled.

"Way to put it bluntly." Mira murmured and Lily nodded. Lucy turned her head and Gajeel clenched his jaw, grabbing Lucy by the collar of her shirt. Her eyes widened as he hauled her up to his height, her feet off the ground.

The entire guild went quiet.

"Gajeel! Leave her alone." Gray yelled, walking up to Gajeel and grabbing his arm. Lucy looked at him, sadness and fear in her eyes.

"God dammit, Lucy! We all miss Natsu! You're not the only one! I...." Gajeel's voice faltered and he looked away, tears brimming in his eyes. He looked back up. "I even miss the damn Salamander." He said, his tears falling. Lucy looked at him and he 'tch'ed, dropping her. She fell onto her butt and looked up at him as Gray knelt down and placed his hand on her shoulder. Gajeel turned, wiping furiously at his eyes as he walked towards the guild halls door.

Lucy's soft sobbing made him pause.

"I'm sorry..." She whispered. He turned. "I guess....I didn't realize that it was just as bad for you guys. I'm sorry."

The guild was quiet.

Cana giggled slightly and then threw her head back in a laugh.

"I remember during the S-class trials," Cana wiped at her eyes with a smile. "When Natsu freaked out on Gildarts when he found out that he was my dad." She smiled.

"How 'bout when we were fighting with Laxus, Freed and Evergreen? When he freaked out about Lucy turning into stone?" Jet said.

"Hey you were freaking out about Levy." Droy said, eating a chicken leg.

"So were you!" Jet said, giving Droy a wide, toothy smile.

"Or how about the time when Natsu started a fight the same day that Lucy joined Fairy Tail? He was so pissed because he hasn't found Igneel." Some one said and Elfman crossed his arms over his chest.

"He couldn't take his disappointment like a man." He said and Evergreen snorted.

"Like you're much of a man yourself." She said and Elfman grew an anime vein.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He asked and she smiled sweetly at him.

"Hey! Natsu-nii made it possible for all of us to be here! We shouldn't sit around crying. We should be having fun!" Romeo said, throwing his arm around Wendy's shoulders. She smiled, tilting her head to the side. The guild began laughing as they all remembered idiotic, sweet and courageous things that the lovable Fire Dragon Slayer had done for all of them. Lisanna had gone and brought Happy to the guild and now, he was laughing an flying around, holding Natsu's scarf to his chest.

They never noticed when Poluchka walked in with Makarov.

"Ahem." The guild quieted and turned to look at the two adults.

"I see that you are all having fun." Poluchka said.

Everybody adverted the lady's gaze.

"I have taken Natsu's body and done what he would have wanted." Poluchka brought a small jar out. Lucy paused and stumbled towards Poluchka, taking the slightly heavy jar from her.

'That's what's left of Natsu...' Gajeel thought as Lucy smiled, hugging the jar close to her. It was morbidly sweet and she handed the jar to Happy.

The exceed refused to touch it as he fluttered to the ground.

"That's not real." Happy said.

"What do you mean?" Lucy asked looking at the jar. Happy padded up to Poluchka and glared up at the woman.

"Where is Natsu?" He asked, his voice stony.

Poluchka remained silent and turned, her red cape flipping around her shoulders.

"Where is he?!" Happy yelled, tears staining his cheeks.

Poluchka paused.

"You'll see, cat." She said.

And left.



I've been in a freaking morbid mood lately I just realized.....

Ahaha... ^^;

Anyway, read on?


Five more chapters!

Thank you so much for sticking with me!

Next chapter:

Chapter Thirty-Five: Can you keep a secret, Gray?


I will see you again (A Fairy Tail Fanfiction) *WILL BE REWRITING WHEN IOAE IS FINISHED* Where stories live. Discover now