Chapter Ten: Reasons why...

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Sorry for the long wait! I'm so so sorry! But here it is now! I hope you are happy with it!

---------------•I will see you again-----

Chapter Ten: Reasons why...

~Juvia Lockser~

Juvia sat outside of the hotel, leaning up against the wall. She and the others decided that since they hadn't finished the mission yet, they should stay and let the Lucy, Gajeel and Erza rest up and heal.

Juvia sighed as she pushed her long blue hair back, her curls floating down her back.

(A/N ok so I like Juvia's outfit and hair during the Grand Magic Games and I can't remember when she changed into them so I'm going to have her wear them now, ok? Ok sorry for interrupting)

"Hey." Juvia turned her head and her eyes widened.

"G-Gray-sama?" She said and he sat down next to her.

"You ok?" He asked and Juvia embraced her knees.

"Juvia is just worried." She said.

"About who?" Gray asked, looking at her.

"About Lucy, Gajeel-kun, and Erza." She said and Gray gave her a smile that made her heart race.

"Lucy and the others are strong," he said, his words sending a twinge through Juvia's heart. Maybe he did love Lucy. "They'll make it through this."

Juvia nodded and looked away. The two of them were silent and Juvia's face was burning.

'Gray-sama is right next to me! His leg is touching mine!' She was screaming in her mind. It took all of her self control not to jump onto him and exclaim her love for him.

"Juvia." Gray said and Juvia looked at him. He gave her another sideways smirk and Juvia's eyes grew wide as he took a strand of her hair and wrapped it around his pointer finger, rubbing it slightly with his thumb. "I like your hair like this." He said and Juvia's face went bright red. "It looks..." Gray searched for the right word and then smiled as he looked into her eyes and said:


Juvia held herself back from jumping on him, her heart racing a million miles an hour.

'Is this really happening?! Did Gray-sama just call Juvia cute?!'

Gray smiled and let go of her hair, stretching.

"But boy is this a drag, just sitting here and waiting for Sphinx Paw to come back." He said and Juvia nodded quickly, hugging her knees closer.

"Juvia thinks that Sphinx Paw may be to strong for us." She said and he looked at her.

"Why do you say that?" He asked.

"They took Lucy, Gajeel-kun and Erza down easily. What's to say that thy won't take Gray-sama, Natsu, Wendy and Juvia down just as easily?" Juvia asked.

"We won't loose to them." Gray said.

"Gray-sama...I'm..." Juvia buried her head in her knees and her shoulders shook. "I'm scared that I'm gonna loose you." She said.

~Gray Fullbuster~

"Gray-sama...I'm..." Gray watched as Juvia hid her face, her shoulders shaking. "I'm scared that I'm gonna loose you." Gray's eyes widened.

"Juvia..." He said and she turned her face away. They were silent and Gray looked out towards the main road, his black hair waving in the wind. He looked back at Juvia, who was still refusing to look up and he smiled slightly.

I will see you again (A Fairy Tail Fanfiction) *WILL BE REWRITING WHEN IOAE IS FINISHED* Where stories live. Discover now