Chapter Sixteen: Falling down...

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Chapter Sixteen: Falling down...

~Erza Scarlet~

"Isn't this adorable, Erza-san?" Wendy asked, holding up a stuffed tiger. Erza smiled.


Wendy went back to browsing the stuffed animals with Charle as Erza looked in the window of a dress shop.

'I wonder were Sphinx Paw could be.' Erza wondered and glanced back at Wendy. The small dragon slayer was handing the cashier a stuffed animal that Erza couldn't quite figure out what it was. Wendy walked towards Erza after she paid, clutching the stuffed animal and Charle to her chest.

"What did you get?" Erza asked and Wendy held up the stuffed animal, smiling a little sadly.

A small dragon was in her hand.

"It looked like Grandine." Wendy said and Erza smiled, putting her hand on Wendy's blue hair.


~Gajeel Redfox~

"How does this one look?" Levy asked and Gajeel looked up.

"Like a dress." He said simply, his elbows resting on the back of the fluffy couch.

He hated it in here. He stuck out like a sore thumb in this store full of frilly, girly stuff.

"I'm asking your opinion as a guy!" Levy asked, putting her hands on her hips. Gajeel sighed and let his eyes wander over Levy.

The dress she was wearing was the same orange as all of her other outfits. But this dress had a slit around her middle and it showed her belly button. Her guild mark, when she turned, was exposed by the sharp dip in the back.

Gajeel cleared his throat, trying to cover his burning face with his hand.

"I like your other dress better." He said and Levy smiled, walking back into the dressing room. Gajeel gritted his teeth together.

'Damn Shrimp...making me come in here with her.'

Lily, who had been quietly sitting at Gajeel's side, spoke up.

"You liked the dress." The exceed said simply and Gajeel glared at him.

'Damn cat.' He thought.


~Juvia Lockser~

Juvia and Gray walked silently side by side in the main market place in the middle of Zioteron. Things had been kind of awkward between the two of them ever since Juvia had confessed. Gray's shirt was gone and a small smile crossed Juvia's lips.

'Back to normal...' Juvia thought and she paused when she saw the large, puckered cut over the guild mark on his chest.

"Hey. What's the matter?" Gray asked, turning towards her. Juvia stepped forward and put her hand out, placing it over the scar. Gray looked at her as she hung her head.

"Juvia's sorry for making you worry about her." Juvia murmured. Gray's hands wrapped around her arms and she looked up.

"You're alive. That's all that matters." Gray said.

"Juvia feels bad for confessing her feelings. Juvia thinks that, maybe, it will ruin Juvia's and Gray-sama's relationship." Gray blinked and smiled.

"Juvia." Gray said and his hands slid down to her wrist. She looked at him and he yanked her forward, placing his other hand on the back of her head.

I will see you again (A Fairy Tail Fanfiction) *WILL BE REWRITING WHEN IOAE IS FINISHED* Where stories live. Discover now