Chapter Thirty-One: We are not toys!

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Sorry for the late update, guys!

I'm going to he having a tooth exposure today so I have no idea if I'm gonna be able to upload or not. If I can, I will!

I promise!

Here's Chapter Thirty-One!


Chapter Thirty-One: We are not toys!

~Len Carmen~

Len climbed to his knees, his hair falling into his face. He clutched his right shoulder, blood seeping out from between his fingers.

"Are you ok, Len-san?" Wendy asked, laying on her stomach, her hand resting by her face. He nodded, looking towards Lucy and the other boys. They were all down, Lucy had fallen down, weak from blood loss and talking to some guy, and Natsu was the only one standing. Loretta and Naiko approached him, white energy surrounding Loretta's hands and grass growing by Naiko's feet with each step she took.

"Ready to meet your end, Dragneel?" Naiko sang, smiling.

"Why do you insist....on helping that creep?" Natsu asked, blood dripping to the floor past his fingers and plopping against the earth. Loretta paused as Naiko tilted her head.


"Why the you stay in the same guild as him?" He murmured, his eyes hooded. Naiko smiled.

"Why the hell do you do these long rants before you fight?" Naiko asks. Natsu clenched his right fist, his left hanging uselessly by his side.

"You do realize, we are people to....right?" Natsu asked, looking up. Len's eyes widened at the glistening tears that ran down Natsu's cheeks. Loretta watched him with interest as Natsu thrust his finger towards Wendy. "She's a person!" He pointed at Lucy, Gajeel and Gray. "So are they!" He jabbed his thumb into his own chest, gritting his teeth, his canines seeming to grow. "So am I! We are all human! Michelangelo wants to kill like bugs! Like we are his playthings or his toys! We are not toys and I refuse to be brought down by a crazy bitch like you!" Natsu yelled, lighting his fist and lunging forward.


~Lucy Heartfilia~

"I don't...know where we are...Warren." Lucy murmured.

'Well, Sphinx Paw is defeated! Everybody is out searching for you guys! How is everything!?'

" the only one up.... He's against two girls...and his left arm was...crushed by Loretta." She said, watching the fight in front of her.

'What?! What about Wendy?! Gajeel?! What about you?!'

"Wendy's down....Gajeel is unconciois...I'm...useless..." Lucy was at the point where she had to force her words out.

' don't sound good...' Warren said and Lucy let out a dry laugh.

"Thanks for the...encouragement..." Lucy said. Warren laughed slighty then his tone got serious.

'How bad are you?' He asked and Lucy looked back.

"I'm fine. I'm ok." Lucy said, pulling herself up weakly.

'Lucy!' Lucy's eyes widened as she looked up.


'Yes! Is Gray-sama ok?!' Lucy smiled at Juvia's frantic questions.

"He's still unconscious." She said and Juvia paused.

'....oh...' She finally said and Lucy could practically picture Juvia's sad face.

I will see you again (A Fairy Tail Fanfiction) *WILL BE REWRITING WHEN IOAE IS FINISHED* Where stories live. Discover now