Chapter Forty: Now and forever {END}

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Chapter Forty: Now and Forever {END}

~Gruvia end~

Juvia was clenching Gray's hand tightly, a contraction shooting through her body. Tears were falling from her eyes and Gray was looking frantically at the doctor then back to the water mage.

Juvia let out a sob as the doctor told her to push once again and her hand tightened around Gray's squeezing hard.

"One more time, Miss. Lockser!" The doctor said and Juvia nodded.

"You can do this, sweetheart." Gray said reassuringly to Juvia. Juvia heaved a breath and the room counted down aloud as she pushed with all of her might.

Then the sound of scream crying filled the air.

Juvia's blue eyes sprang open and she looked down, spotting the baby the doctor was holding up, it's small face scrunched up in wails. Gray was crying happy tears, wiping his eyes as the doctor said "It's a girl!" excitedly and handed Gray surgical scissors to cut the umbilical cord. Gray did and Juvia's head fell back as tears streamed sideways out of her eyes, running into her ears as she listened to the sound of their daughters screams of life. Gray walked to her, leaning down and kissing the crying mage firmly as he murmured soothingly to her.

The doctor walked towards them, holding the swaddled baby who had a pink cap covering her thick black hair, and handed the baby to Juvia with a murmured 'congratulations' and he pulled back, allowing the couple space.

"Want to hold her, Gray-sama?" Juvia asked and smiled at Gray's immediate answer as he held him arms forward. Juvia handed it up and the doctors began to busy themselves with the the post-birth procedures.

Gray turned from Juvia walking towards the door and leaning against the door frame, watching his snoozing daughter, her small head tucked cutely against his chest.

"Hey there... It's me. Daddy." Gray smiled down at his daughter, tears falling down his face. The babies mushy face twisted up into a toothless grin and her fat hands raised up towards him and he held her with one arm, touching her hand. He smiled wider as her small fingers wrapped around his pointers finger as she yawned and fell back to sleep.

"I love you, Scarlett. With all of my heart." He whispered.


~Gale end~

"God dammit! You're cheating! You have to be!" Gajeel yelled, thrusting his finger at Levy furiously. Levy was laughing and Lily was trying to figure out the cards in front of him, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. Levy tapped her temple, poking her tongue out at the furious dragon slayer.

"Just smart." She said and Gajeel growled. He lunged forward and Levy screamed as he began to tickle her, tackling her to the ground. Lily sat still, pondering over his cards as if nothing was happening.

"Gajeel! Stooooooop!" Levy was screaming, squirming with laughter beneath him as he cackled, his fingers tickling her sides.

This went on until Gajeel grew to tired and he just sat there, listening to her pant slightly, his legs on either side of her. He looked down at her, his chest heaving slightly and she smiled at him, tears falling out of her eyes. He took a hold of her hand and she interlaced their fingers, looking at him with a smile. His face went red and he looked away.

"Stop that."


"Stop being cute."

"Sh-shut up." She mumbled her cheeks growing red. Gajeel smiled and leaned down, Levy rising up to meet him. Their lips touched and Lily coughed loudly.

I will see you again (A Fairy Tail Fanfiction) *WILL BE REWRITING WHEN IOAE IS FINISHED* Where stories live. Discover now