Chapter Twenty-Four: Lucy's choice and Gray's mistake!

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Chapter Twenty-Four: Lucy's choice and Gray's mistake!

~Michelangelo Glass~

"Preparations are ready, sir." Michelangelo clenched the guardrail in front of him and smiled. The great Slayer Mayhem was in front of him, standing tall, majestic. He could see Lucy Heartfilia from here as well as Erza Scarlet, Juvia Lockser and Gray Fullbuster hanging to the wall farthest away from his position. The exceeds had been hung there as well, all three of them wrapped and hung up like a pair of work boots hung up to air out.

"What should we do with the others?" The guard behind him asked and Michelangelo chewed on the inside of his mouth.

"Get rid of them." Loretta said, having been quietly perched on the guardrail next to him.

"No. It's to soon for that. I have plans." Michelangelo said and Loretta sighed.

"Whatever." The girls eyes wandered back towards Gray and Michelangelo seethed silently.

'I'll have to do something about her little 'crush' on Gray,' he thought, clenching the guardrail tighter. 'I can't accept it.'

Michelangelo cleared his throat and the guard straightened as he cleared.

"Start the machine. Focus the power towards Mr. Redfox. Bring the script mage up along with the traitor and chain them to the wall. They'll get what they deserve." He said.

"Yes, sir." The guard scurried out of the room and Michelangelo turned.

"Michelangelo." Michelangelo turned towards Loretta.

"Why does magic bring sadness and death?" She asked and Michelangelo cocked an eyebrow.

"What brought that up?"

"I absorb magic." Loretta smiled. "It's always brought me sadness cause once I take their magic...." She sighed and looked at the machine. "They die... That's sadness." Michelangelo looked at her and sighed.

"You're over thinking it." The hum of the machine caused them to look up. Michelangelo smiled. "Finally." The pool Lucy was in lit up and a scream echoed through the halls followed by Natsu's yell of her name. Gajeel cried out and Levy, who had been strapped to the wall next to Erza, screamed at them to stop. Michelangelo smiled as he watched the power from Lucy shoot down into Gajeel.

"It's a beautiful...." Loretta said, smiling.

Gajeel's body was swelling from the excess magic.

"Please stop!!!!" Levy screamed.

"Levy!!" Gajeel yelled. Michelangelo watched as Gajeel's body turned to iron, then the rest of his spells came on and off one after the other, until finally, the machine grew quiet and Gajeel fell forward from the 'X' the straps around his wrists gone.

"Gajeel!!!" Levy screamed, the bloodcurdling sound making Loretta giggle.

"So beautiful." She said and Michelangelo smiled.


~Lucy Heartfilia~

Lucy could hear the sound of Gajeel being killed.

She could hear it.

And she couldn't do anything!

Tears ran down her cheeks from under her closed eyelids as Levy's scream drifted to her ears.

'I can feel Gajeel's energy inside of my self. This is so weird! How did this thing k....hurt him?' Lucy thought, trying to figure out the process in which the damn machine was supposed to kill the Dragon Slayers. She knew that either Natsu or Wendy was next....

I will see you again (A Fairy Tail Fanfiction) *WILL BE REWRITING WHEN IOAE IS FINISHED* Where stories live. Discover now