Chapter Eleven: Not out of the clear yet

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Chapter Eleven: Not out of the clear yet.

~Natsu Dragneel~

Natsu was watching Lucy sleep, his chin resting on his palm.

"Why hasn't she woken up yet?" Natsu asked.

"Natsu-san she was injured pretty heavily, remember? Also, Loke's key was almost destroyed. That must have done something to her." Wendy said, holding Charle in her arms. Happy was sitting on the bed next to Lucy, his eyes focused on her. Natsu looked at Lucy and reached out, touching her face.

"We should go get some things for Lucy." Charle said and Wendy nodded.

"Want to help us, Happy?" Charle asked and Happy turned his head.

"A-Aye..." He said and the three of them left the room.

Natsu sat in silence, listening to the small 'shu's' of Lucy's breathing.

"Come on, Luce." He said. "It's been two days..." He sighed and laid his head on his arms, looking at her. "Lucy, I promise that I'll kick that guys ass." Lucy stirred slightly and he perked up, ready for her eyes to open.

He was disappointed.

Lucy turned her body onto its side, facing Natsu and her hair fell into her face. Natsu sighed and laid his head on his arms, his face inches from hers.

'I know that we aren't out of the clear yet...' Natsu thought as he reached out, tucking her hair behind her ear, back out of her face. 'I'm glad that Luce is alright.' He thought and he smiled at her sleeping face. He took her hand and interlaced their fingers, closing his eyes.

'I'll just take a little nap....' He thought before he fell asleep, exhausted.


~Wendy Marvell~

Wendy, Charle and Happy walked back into Lucy's room.

"Natsu-san...." Wendy said but her voice trailed off when she saw the state in front of her.

Natsu's head was on the bed, along with his arms and chest, his face inches away from Lucy's. Their fingers were interlaced. Wendy smiled.

"They're crazy for each other." Charle said, crossing her arms.

"They llllllike each other." Happy said, rolling his tongue and Wendy giggled.

"Why don't we go check on Erza-san?" Wendy asked and the two exceeds nodded. Wendy looked back at the sleeping mages and smiled as she closed the door.

'One day they are gonna realize that they love each other. Oh I hope that day will be soon!' She thought.


~Lucy Heartfilia~

Lucy was sitting in a field of flowers, a white dress covering her body. She was shoe less and a happy smile was on her face.

"Lucy." She turned and smiled, the wind blowing her blonde hair into her face.

"Natsu." She said and the fire mage walked towards her. His arm were around her instantly, hugging her tightly. She hugged him back.

"I'm so happy that you're ok, Luce." He said and she nodded, putting her hand in his pink hair. He pulled away and looked into her eyes.

Then kissed her.


Lucy's eyes opened and her eyes locked on a sleeping face.

'Natsu?!' She thought and began to turn away.

His fingers in hers stopped her.

Lucy looked down and gazed at their interlaced fingers, her face red.

What had that dream been all about? She didn't like Natsu like that...did she?

Lucy turned more onto her side, her free hand resting on the pillow next to her head. She smiled.

'He's out...' She thought and watched his face.

His lashes were laying against his cheek bones, his lips parted slightly. He had this chunk of hair that was hanging over his lips, fluttering up and down with each breath.

He looked so innocent.

So peaceful.

Lucy couldn't help but blush when she realized how close together their faces were. She could only remember one thing from the dream and it was the feeling of Natsu's lips on hers.

Were they actually that soft in real life?

Lucy blushed again and looked at the ceiling.

'What is wrong with me?' She thought and turned her head back towards Natsu.

Still asleep.

Lucy sighed slightly and Natsu stirred.

"Lucy..." He murmured. Lucy's eyes widened as his finger tightened around hers. "I'm sorry." He said and she looked at him in confusion.


What for?

Lucy closed her eyes as she bent her body inwards, her forehead touching Natsu's.

'This is...actually kinda nice...' She thought.


Sorry for the short chapter guys.

I was scrambling to get this chapter out and kept running out of ideas.

Also, I may or may not be able to post this next week. I may not have Internet.

I'll keep you guys updated!

Until the next chapter,

Chapter Twelve: Terrible Things

I will see you again (A Fairy Tail Fanfiction) *WILL BE REWRITING WHEN IOAE IS FINISHED* Where stories live. Discover now