Chapter Fourteen: Once a Shrimp, always a Shrimp

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Chapter Fourteen: Once a Shrimp, always a Shrimp.

~Levy McGarden~

Levy held her arms out, a brick wall in front of her, as Halibut sent a heavy barrage towards her and Lily.

'My magic power is fading fast,' Levy thought, her left eye shut in concentration. 'I don't know how much longer I'll be able to hold out!'

Lily was on the ground behind him, transformed back into his small self.

Levy's small body was being pushed back and with a small grunt, she pushed forward, increasing her magic power.

'It's hopeless...' She thought as she watched the edges of the brick wall began to break away. Her blue hair was flying around her face, her head band gone. 'G-Gajeel...I....I won't get to tell him...' Tears flew back from her eyes, the wind from the attack sending the small tears flying like bullets.

A memory passed through Levy's mind just then:

"Someone as small as you is easy to lose." Gajeel said and Levy looked down, sadly. "So don't leave my side." Levy looked at Gajeel and nodded, putting her back to his.

A sob escaped Levy's lips.

'I said I wouldn't leave your side.' She thought and a small smile formed on her face as the brick began to fly away faster. 'I guess...I guess I lied.'

The water hit her at full speed and Levy let out a gurgled cry as the water enveloped her, smothering her.



"Levy... Levy open your eyes. Levy!"

Levy's eyes fluttered open and struggled to focus on the face above her. The clang of swords echoed through her ears and she turned her head. Her eyes widened.

"G-Gajeel?" She said and Levy, in his large self again some how, tightened his grip on her. "Why is-"

"He saved you from the water. He showed up right after the water swallowed you. God the way he yelled your name...." Lily smiled down at her. "He saved you as fast as he could. He was furious."

A blush painted Levy's cheeks as she looked at the almost one sided fight between Halibut and Gajeel, the Iron Dragon slayer clearly wining. Halibut was being beat mercilessly into the ground by the merciless Gajeel.

"Gajeel." Levy said softly and his movements stopped. He looked over, one of the studs from his left eye brow gone, a thin stream of blood dripping into his eye.

"Levy." He was at her side in a moment, pulling her body to his chest gingerly. Levy blushed and looked up at him.

"You ok?" He asked frantically, looking her up and down, pushing her soaked blue hair back from her face and touching her skin softly. "Can you move?"

"Gajeel...I'm fine." She said, smiling. Gajeel let out a sigh and then regained his normal composure; anger towards Levy.

"What the hell were you thinking? You could have died! Are you crazy?!" He yelled and Levy leaned her head onto his chest, her shivering hand grabbing his jacket. "O-Oi..." He said, holding her shoulder. "You're freezing!" He said.

"Levy-chan! Gajeel! Lily!" Levy turned her head.

"Lu-chan." Levy murmured and Lucy stopped next to them.

"You're sopping wet! I'll summon Virgo to get you something dry." Lucy said, pulling out the key.

As she summoned Virgo, Gajeel held Levy tightly, bending his head down and attempting to keep her warm.

I will see you again (A Fairy Tail Fanfiction) *WILL BE REWRITING WHEN IOAE IS FINISHED* Where stories live. Discover now