Chapter Twenty-Five: Her against the world

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Chapter Twenty-Five: Her against the world

~Lucy Heartfilia~

Lucy watched in horror as Gray fell to the ground. He was a bloody mess and she stumbled down the stairs towards him, Sagittarius on her heels.


Michelangelo stepped in front of her.

"Where do you think you're going?" He spat and Lucy clenched Sagittarius's key.

"Leave him alone! Destroying Gray won't do anything! The memory of Ul will always be there!" Lucy exclaimed. Sagittarius pulled his arrows back, aiming at Michelangelo. Michelangelo growled and swung his hand. Lucy ducked and she looked back as Sagittarius shot the arrows, their heads burying them selves into Michelangelo's arm.

He howled in pain and Lucy took the opportunity to duck past him, running towards Gray. It had been Loretta's fault for the state he was in but the girl was gone, nowhere in sight.

"Come back here!" Lucy turned her head and saw Michelangelo fling Sagittarius away and sprint towards her. She cried out hysterically and ran away, arms above her as Michelangelo chased her.

"Lucy run away!" Natsu yelled.

"What do you think I'm trying to do?!" She yelled.

"Lucy-san!" Wendy yelled. Lucy fumbled for her keys.

"V-Virgo! Aries!" She blubbered and the two spirits appeared. Virgo picked her up and Aries's fluffy guard appeared.

"I've got you, hime!" Virgo exclaimed.

"Sorry if it's to fluffy!" Aries exclaimed timidly.

"Aries hold him off!" Lucy yelled.

"I-I'll try my best!" She said. "Wool Bomb!"

Lucy and Virgo ran towards Natsu and Wendy as Aries attacked Michelangelo.

"Get me off of this thing!" Natsu yelled as Lucy undid the straps around his ankles.

"I'm trying!" She said, standing on her tiptoes as she reached for the straps around his wrists.

"I can't....reach." She said, her fingers groping for the straps.

'I don't understand why Natsu couldn't get out of these himself...they are so easy to take off!' She thought angrily as she grabbed Natsu's shoulder and pulled her self up. Her chest pressed up against his as she put her bare feet on the 'X' and she wrapped her arm around his neck as her other hand groped for the strap around his right wrist. A small cry of surprise left Lucy's lips as that fist burst into flames and she undid the other strap. They dropped to the ground and Natsu burst into flames. Lucy yelled in fear as the flames surrounded her.

'Huh? The flames.... I'm not being burnt....' She thought in amazement.

"Thanks Lucy." Natsu said and she looked up at him, smiling. He sat her down and Lucy looked back as Wendy stepped forward. Natsu slammed his fist into his palm and smiled.

"Yosh! I'm all fired up!" He yelled.

"Yes!" Wendy agreed.


Lucy ran to the others strapped to the walls, assured that Virgo would get Gajeel and Gray. She undid Erza straps and went down the line, undoing strap after strap. Levy ran to Gajeel and pulled him from Virgo's arms, looking at him with fear. Happy and Charle headed towards Natsu and Wendy and Lily ran towards Juvia, pulling her out of the fight between spirit and beast.

"We're free!" Happy yelled as he zipped away.

Erza held a weakened Len up carefully and looked towards Natsu and Wendy who had joined the fight.

"Erza, we have to get out of here." Lucy said.

"We have to defeat Michelangelo first, so that he doesn't come after us again." Erza said.

"We have to at least get Gajeel, Gray, Juvia and Len out of here." Lucy said.

"I'm...fine." Len ground out through gritted teeth.

"Nii-san..." Erza said and he looked at her.

"Lucy's right. We have to get the injured out of here." He said and Lucy ran towards Virgo who was struggling slightly under Gray's weight. Taking Gray's arm and pulling it over her shoulder, Lucy wrapped her arm around his waist and looked over her shoulder. Levy was pulling Gajeel up with help from Lily who was also holding Juvia.

"Lily! Can you fly us through the roof?" Erza asked, pointing at the hatch.

"Yes." He said, spreading his wings. He took Gray from Lucy and flew up.

Taking the injured up first was easy. When it was time for the others to go up, that's when Loretta appeared.

"Do not think you can get away from me." She said softly, her cape shrouding her body.

"Get out of here." Erza said. Lucy looked at her and blinked.


"Take the others and get out of here. Take them back to the city. Or back to Magnolia whichever one works. Just get out of here!"

"I'm not leaving you, Erza!" Lucy said. Levy put her hand on Lucy's shoulder and she looked down.

"Please, Lucy." Lucy's head jerked up at the crack in Erza's voice.

"Erza..." Lucy felt Lily's arms wrap around her and Levy securely and they lifted up into the air. "Everybody! Don't lose!" She yelled.


~Natsu Dragneel~

"Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!" Natsu yelled. The attack slammed into Michelangelo's cheek and sent the beast flying. He crashed into the opposite wall and the machine growled.

"Sky Dragon's: ROAR!" Wendy exclaimed. Wind shot towards Michelangelo and shoved him farther against the wall.

When the smoke cleared, the beast was gone and Michelangelo was back to his normal form, his face written clearly with pissed off.

"I've had enough." He growled, clenching his fists.

"Give up, Michelangelo." Natsu said, clenching his fists as they turned into flames. Michelangelo sighed and shoved his hands into his pockets.

"I'll let you go this time, Natsu Dragneel. But next time, I swear, your life will come to an end." He said. "Loretta!" Loretta and Erza paused in their fight and looked over. "Lets go." Loretta blinked and them glared at Erza before she and Michelangelo disappeared.

"What the hell?!?" Natsu exclaimed, stamping his feet against the ground.

'Why did he give up so easily?!' Natsu thought and looked back at Wendy. The small dragon slayer had a confused look on her face as did Erza.

"Lets catch up with the others..." Erza said slowly and Natsu gritted his teeth.

'Dammit. Michelangelo, you bastard!'


Sorry for the choppy horrible chapter.

But of course I had to make them escape!

It would be over to fast if I didn't!

Anyway, sorry again.

Will Gajeel, Gray and Juvia be ok?

What will Fairy Tail decide to do?

Find out in Chapter Twenty-Six: Apologies and Forgiveness!


I will see you again (A Fairy Tail Fanfiction) *WILL BE REWRITING WHEN IOAE IS FINISHED* Where stories live. Discover now