Chapter Seventeen: The Secrets of Sphinx Paw

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Chapter Seventeen: The Secrets of Sphinx Paw


There was a girl, sitting in her room, holes appearing in her walls as she cast spells.

The master had been proud of her, able to capture Lucy Heartfilia easily.

Unlike the idiots Len, Halibut and Monroe.

"Oi. We're going." The girl turned around and glared at Len who was leaning on her door.

"Don't talk to me like we are close friends." The girl said cooly. "I only agreed to work with you guys because I wanted to be able to see Gray-kun." Len rolled his eyes.

"Yes I know, you have this ginormous crush on Gray." Len said lazily. "Get off your ass-" the girl was in front of him in seconds, grabbing his hair and slamming him to the ground.

"Don't. Push. Your. Luck." The girl growled. Len looked at her in shock.

"R-Right..." Len said. "Sorry, Loretta."

The girl, Loretta, stood, her black hair falling over her shoulders.

"You're an idiot. Leave me alone." She said, turning. Len stood and cleared his throat.

"I'm sorry." Len turned and left the room. A certain scarlet haired girl flashed into his mind and his steps faltered.

'Erza...' He thought and he reached up, touching his cheeks. 'I wish I could be with you' lied to me...' Len sighed and continued to walk, pulling his hair tie out as he did so.

A little while later, he pushed open a pair of large, steel doors. Behind them, the Slayer Mayhem resided.

Slayer Mayhem was a large machine that consisted of nine parts. A big round dome was at the top, liquid inside of it. That was were Lucy Heartfilia was at. She was unconscious, floating in the liquid with a mask over her face to keep her breathing. Beneath her were four 'X' shaped posts, three made from steel and one made from wood. Metal tubes ran up from each of them, connecting with the dome that Lucy was contained in. There was two large metal cylinder chambers on either side of the machine that would shoot magic gathered from subjects, including Gajeel, into the dome. At the bottom was a large chamber filled with something that Len wasn't aloud to know.

Len climbed up the steps on the left side of the machine towards Lucy, running his fingers against the steel. He stopped at the end, near Lucy's head and turned, putting his hands on the rails. Her hair was moving slowly around her head and her eyes were closed. Her arms were out from her sides and her legs were going up and down slowly. Her boots were gone as were her arm warmers. The only thing she was wearing was her crop top and her skirt. Her belt and keys were hanging above one of the metal cylinders, ready to be dropped into the bubbling mix of magic.

Len clenched his hands on the banister.

'This isn't fair.' Len thought. 'Lucy is gonna be killed because the boss wants her to be able to destroy the dragon slayers.' Len looked at her keys and his jaw clenched. 'I don't...I don't want to become a killer.' Len looked around frantically and spotted a small button. He smiled and raised his hand. A small amount of his demon magic seeped from the palm of his hand and entered the keyhole on the button. Jerking his hand to the right, a hiss echoed through the room as the chamber Lucy was in slid open. Len cursed as sirens and red lights came on and he jumped into the liquid, sloshing towards Lucy. He ripped the IV's out of her arms and pulled her up, yanking the mask off of her face. He pulled her onto his back and hopped out. Grabbing her keys and shoving them into his jacket pocket, Len looked around.

I will see you again (A Fairy Tail Fanfiction) *WILL BE REWRITING WHEN IOAE IS FINISHED* Where stories live. Discover now