Chapter Seven; Three down, two to go

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Chapter Seven; Three down, two to go

~Natsu Dragneel~

Natsu woke slowly, his eyes blinking. Pain was the first thing he felt but he ignored it as he sat up, putting his hand to his forehead. The sound of crying made him look up.

Wendy sat near him, her head in her hands as her small shoulders shook. Juvia and Levy sat next to Gray who was laying on the ground, unconscious. Lily, Happy and Charle sat in a circle near Wendy.

Lucy was missing.

"L-Lucy?" Natsu asked and everybody turned to him.

"N-Natsu-san." Wendy hiccuped, wiping at her face.

"Where's Lucy?" Natsu asked, standing. Solemn faces were his answer and his eyes widened.

"How did she get taken away?! Why didn't the Popsicle protect her?! He was-"

"Natsu!" Lily interrupted and Natsu looked at him.

"Gray is unconscious!" Levy said, tears in her eyes. "It's not his fault that Lu-chan got taken!"

Natsu sat, crossing his legs.

"I can't just sit here and let them get away with taking her!" Natsu said. He looked up as Gray moaned slightly.

"Gray-sama..." Juvia said, helping him sitting up. Gray looked at Natsu.

"We have to find Lucy." Natsu said simply and Gray nodded. He stood stiffly and Juvia caught him as he fell forward, wincing as the movement jolted her arm that Natsu noticed was wrapped in bandages.

"'t go. They're after you." Gray said.

"And I'm supposed to let you go like that?" Natsu said, standing up. Gray looked at him and Natsu looked away, gritting his teeth.

"It's my job to protect her," he said and he glanced up at Gray. "And I'm gonna do just that."


~Lucy Heartfilia~

Lucy's eyes fluttered open and she groaned slightly. She lifted her head, letting out a pitiful moan when she spotted her surroundings.

She was in a cell, chained to a wall, her arms up above her head and her legs on either side of her thighs with shackles wrapped around them.

"Lucy." Lucy's head jerked up and she looked around.

"Erza!" Lucy said, relieved. Erza looked at her, her red hair hanging in her face. It was chopped off in some spots and Lucy remembered the red hair that Len had thrown at herself and the others.

"Are you ok?" Erza asked and Lucy nodded.

"Where's Gajeel?" Lucy asked and Erza looked away.

"They take him away every once in a will to draw out some of his magical energy." Erza explained solemnly. Lucy looked at her in slight horror, moving to make herself comfortable. The cell on the other side of Lucy creaked open and the two girls looked up as Gajeel was thrown in side.

Gajeel looked over his shoulder, growling and he stopped as his eyes landed on Lucy.

"Well shit. Flame Head failed." He said, leaning on the bars.

"Are you ok, Gajeel?" Lucy asked. Gajeel was silent but he nodded his head slightly and Lucy leaned her head back on the wall.

"Can you tell us what happened, Lucy?" Erza asked and Lucy drew her knees up to her chest, the chains clinking slightly.

I will see you again (A Fairy Tail Fanfiction) *WILL BE REWRITING WHEN IOAE IS FINISHED* Where stories live. Discover now