Chapter Eighteen: It's gonna rip!

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Chapter Eighteen: It's gonna rip!

~Gajeel Redfox~

"Are you stupid?!" Gajeel yelled, slamming his hand down on the table in Lucy's room. Everybody winced and Lily shook his head. "You are just as much in danger as I am, ice head. Why the hell do I have to stay here?!"

"Calm down. You aren't staying here alone." Gray said. "You have Levy."

"Why the hell aren't Wendy and Salamander staying?!" Gajeel was furious! This wasn't fair! Why did he have to stay behind while the others went and looked around?

"Gajeel. You and Levy need to stay here and see if Lucy comes back." Lily said and Gajeel glared at him.

"Traitor." He gripped and Lily raised his eyebrow.

"Gajeel-kun. It will be ok. If anything happens, come after us." Juvia said, smiling. Gajeel gave her a sour look and she hid behind Gray.

"If we aren't back within a day, you can come after us." Wendy said.

"Why can't I come?"

"He doesn't want to stay, so don't make him stay." Levy said, her back to the group.

"Natsu refuses to be left behind because he wants to beat up Michelangelo." Gray said simply. "Wendy has to go because, what if Lucy is injured? She can help her. I'm going because I can." Gajeel scoffed and Levy stood up.

"Whatever." Gajeel griped, plopping down on the bed. Levy left the room and Gajeel watched her. "What's her problem."

"You're so oblivious." Lily said.

"Aye!" Happy said.

"Like always." Charle said.

"Lets get going." Gray said.

The small group left, leaving Gajeel alone in the room. He sighed and flipped onto his side.

'Where's the Shrimp I wonder...' Gajeel thought and he stood, walking out of the room. He went to the front desk, asking for a key to Levy's room and he walked back upstairs, walking to her room. He knocked.

"Hey, Shrimp? You in there?"

"Go away Gajeel."

"What did I do wrong?!" Gajeel yelled, slamming his fist against the door.

"Just go away!" Levy yelled at him through the door and Gajeel could hear the crack in her voice.

"Why are you crying?" He asked

"Why do you care?" Levy shot back.

Gajeel entered the key into the lock and pushed it open. Levy sprang up from the bed and threw a pillow at him. She had on a green tanktop and a pair of black shorts.

"How did you get in here?!" Levy yelled and Gajeel noticed the tears running down her cheeks.

"Answer my question." Gajeel said and Levy halted in her movements, holding up a pillow.

"What?" She said and Gajeel pushed the door closed behind him.

"Answer my question." Gajeel repeated the sentence and walked forward. Every step he took forward, Levy took two steps back. He caught up to her and grabbed her shoulders.


"Why are you crying?" Gajeel asked.

"It doesn't matter!"

"Yes it does!" Gajeel suddenly shouted and Levy looked up at him, brown eyes wide.

"W-What?" Levy stammered and Gajeel picked her up, tossing her on the bed. He sat on the end, his elbows resting on his knees as his hands hug between his legs.

I will see you again (A Fairy Tail Fanfiction) *WILL BE REWRITING WHEN IOAE IS FINISHED* Where stories live. Discover now