Chapter Thirty-Seven: Really?! Are you serious?!

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Chapter Thirty-Seven: Really?! Are you serious?!

(This chapter is gonna be short :/ like really short.)

~Lucy Heartfilia~

Lucy sighed, leaning against the bar counter.

"What's the matter, Lucy?" Mira asked, drying a beer mug.

"Nothing. Just nobody is in the mood to go on a job!" Lucy grumbled. Mira smiled and Lucy sighed.

The doors to the guild slammed open with such tremendous force that Lucy's hair flew forward, blowing her hair into her face. Spitting chunks of golden strands out of her mouth she turned, gagging as hair rubbed against her tongue.

"Mayor West! Len!" Erza said, standing to greet them. Len smiled at her, his newly shortened red hair glistening. His old guild mark had been replaced with a new one, the symbol resting proudly on his cheek.

"Lucy Heartfilia, Erza Scarlet, Gray Fullbuster. Happy. Wendy Marvell and Charle." Mayor West announced regally, holding out a small burlap sack. "In respects of the friend you lost while protecting our city, we present to you four million jewel." He dropped the sack into Lucy's lap and the others all suddenly crowded around her, eyeing the sack in awe.

"Really?! Are you serious?!" Gray asked, eyes wide. Mayor West nodded his head. Gary's hand twitched towards the money and Erza slapped it away, glaring at him before looking at Len.

"So, you've joined a new guild?" Erza asked and Len scratched the new guild mark on his cheek.

"Ah. Jade Bright." He said softly, running his hand almost sheepishly through his hair. Erza smiled, a little sadly Lucy noticed, and walked forward, holding her hand towards her friend. Len smiled at her and placed his hand into hers, shaking firmly.

"Thank you, Len-san." Wendy said, a large smile on her face. Len looked around at them and Lucy smiled, sitting the sack of money on the chair as she stood. Launching herself forward, Lucy wrapped her arms firmly around Len's neck, her face buried in his hair.

"Thank you, for all of your help." She murmured, smiling as she felt Len's thin but strong arms wrapped around her waist, hugging her back just as tightly.

"Of course." He whispered and Lucy pulled back, revealing Len's blushing face.

"You're blushing, Len." She giggled, covering her mouth with the tips of her fingers.

"Sh-Shut up." He said sheepishly.




Dude, I don't even think this counts as a chapter.

But it's ok! I'm updating twice today because I love you!

Possibly three!!

We'll just have to wait and see won't we? >:)

Anyway! I hoped you enjoyed this chapter!

Love you guys!

Stick around, ne?

Next Chapter: Chapter Thirty-Eight: Uncontrollable Tears.

I will see you again (A Fairy Tail Fanfiction) *WILL BE REWRITING WHEN IOAE IS FINISHED* Where stories live. Discover now