Chapter Eight; I'm coming, Lucy!

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Chapter Eight; I'm coming, Lucy!

~Gajeel Redfox~

Gajeel watched as two unknown men picked Lucy up and rested her up against the wall. As they left, he noticed Erza smile.

"It doesn't work. You've already tried it like eight times." Gajeel said.

"So? I'm not stopping until we are out of here!" She said, summoning a sword. Gajeel sighed as she hacked at the shackles around her ankles.

'Are they really stupid enough not to shackle up a wizard's hands? I'm sitting here completely free...but I'm not doing anything.' Gajeel thought and he looked at Lucy. Her blond hair was over her eyes, her chin touching her chest. He sighed again and stood, his arm transforming into a club. He reared his arm back and slammed it forward, the sound of metal crashing into metal screeching throughout the holding area. Erza halted in her movements as Gajeel transformed his other arm and slammed it down as well.

"Gajeel...." She said. He looked at her, giving her a devilish grin.

"Geehee." Erza's eyes widened as his signature laugh escaped his lips. He slammed his hands down, punching and attempting to destroy the cell. He was barely denting it but he didn't care.

'We gotta get out of here. I'm not gonna be killed by that creep Michelangelo.' He thought and smiled in satisfaction as he heard Erza get to work.

Lucy woke later, Gajeel noticed, as he collapsed from exhaustion.

"G-Gajeel...." She murmured as he panted, no longer strong enough to stand. His arms went back to normal and he looked at Lucy.

"Don't just sit there. Summon....a spirit." He said, one eye half closed. Lucy looked at him in shock and he gave her a small smirk. Lucy weakly brought her self to her feet and closed her eyes as she stretched her fingers towards her keys.

"Come here, blondie." He said and Lucy looked at him as she moved towards him slightly, as far as the chains would let her go. Gajeel stuck his large arm through the bars between his cell and hers. His fingers brushed her skirt and wrapped around the fabric, earning a complaint from Lucy. He pulled on her skirt and her keys jangled, sliding slightly towards his hand. Wrapping his thumb around the strap that held the keys around her belt, Gajeel yanked the keys towards him, breaking the strap in the process.

"Which one?" Gajeel asked, opening the keys.

"Loke and Sagittarius." Lucy said and Gajeel's brow furowed as he attempted to figure out which ones those were. In the background, Erza was still slashing at the cell door, sweat dripping down her forehead. Once he found out which keys, he pulled them off of the ring and stretched his arm back through the bars. Lucy stretched her hand towards to him and let out a small cry of happiness as her fingers wrapped around the keys.

"I summon the gate of the Lion, Leo!" Lucy cried. "I summon the gate of the archer, Sagittarius!"

When Loke and Sagittarius appeared they both looked at her shock.

"Lucy!" Loke said.

"Loke, please! Find Natsu and the others and tell them were we are at!" She exclaimed and he nodded. He escaped through the hole on the high ceiling, something that Gajeel or Erza would have been able to reach. "Sagittarius can you get me out of these?" She asked and he saluted her.

"Of course, Lucy-sama, moshi moshi! He said and drew an arrow, notching it in his bow. Gajeel watched as Sagittarius shot his arrow straight at the chains.

The chains shattered like glass.

Lucy smiled at Sagittarius who saluted again and disappeared. Lucy reached for the bars for her keys and he handed them to her.

I will see you again (A Fairy Tail Fanfiction) *WILL BE REWRITING WHEN IOAE IS FINISHED* Where stories live. Discover now