Chapter Twenty-Nine: Three new faces?

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Chapter Twenty-Nine: Three new faces?

~Lucy Heartfilia~

Screams and cries rang through the town as Lucy, Wendy, Natsu, Gajeel, Happy, Charle and Lily ran towards the guild.

A sobbing girl made Lucy stop. A guild member from Sphinx Paw (evident from the guild mark on his neck) approached her. Lucy ran towards the girl, reaching for her keys.

'I'm not fast enough!!' She thinks, diving for the girl.

"Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!" Natsu exclaimed, taking the mage out with one strike.

A lady ran towards them, took the girl from Lucy with a rushed thank you and ran off.

"You ok?" Natsu asked.

"Yeah." Lucy said.


Fairy Tail was in chaos.

And not the good kind either.

Sphinx Paw mages and Fairy Tail mages were at war, injured from both sides littering the lawn.

"We have to get Gray-san and the others!" Wendy called.

"Take Charle with you! We'll stay out here and help!" Natsu said.

"A-Alright!" Wendy said and Charle picked her up.

"Fire Dragon's: ROAR!" Natsu yelled, taking out a guy who was holding Reedus down.

"Thank you, Natsu!" Reedus called.

"No problem!" Natsu yelled back. Natsu looked at Lucy who held Loke's still destroyed key to her chest.

"He's my strongest spirit and I can't summon him..." She murmured. Her eyes went to Natsu as he grabbed her arms and squeezed slightly.

"You don't need him. I'll protect you." He said and Lucy's face went bright red. Gajeel and Lily had run off and the two of them were alone (with Happy of course but who was paying attention to him?), staring at each other. Completely oblivious to the situation around them, Natsu clenched his jaw.

'What is he thinking?' She thought, her face red.

"Lucy, I-"

His words were cut short as a magic circle appeared below them. Lucy's eyes went wide as her hair flew up.

"Summoning style: Lucy Heartfilia, Gray Fullbuster, Len Carmen and the dragon slayers." A male voice said. Lucy screamed as she and Natsu began sinking into the ground. She and Natsu scrabbled at the earth.

"Natsu-nii!" Romeo yelled, throwing purple flames at Natsu before reaching his hand out.

"Lucy!" Freed yelled, running forward. His arms wrapped under Lucy's and he pulled, Cana and Mira joining and helping. Lucy was up to her waist in the ground. Freed's face was red with strain and Lucy clung to the green-haired mage.

"Dammit! I don't want to get sucked into the ground!" Natsu yelled hysterically.

"Don't let go, Freed!" Mira yelled.

"Hold on, Lucy!" Cana cried.

"I'm trying!" Lucy sobbed, anime tears rolling down her cheeks. "Oh god! Some thing has my ankle!!!" She screamed, attempting to kick.

"Calm down!" Freed yelled. "I'm gonna drop you if you don't!" Lucy froze, tears continuing to flow steadily down her cheeks.

"Natsu-nii!!" Romeo cried and Lucy turned her head just in time to see Natsu's hand grope for the air and disappear.

"Natsu!" She cried.

"Dammit." Freed growled. Lucy looked up. Freed was being dragged with her; she was into her stomach now.

"Freed, Cana, Mira...let me go." Lucy said.

"What? Are you insane?" Cana cried.

"Just hold on, we can pull you out." Freed grunted. Mira nodded, pulling hard, now in her Satan Soul form.

"You'll get pulled down with me!" Lucy cried, her grip on Freed's neck loosening. "I'm sorry!" Lucy sobbed as Freed's arms slipped from her waist.

"Lucy!" Cana cried, fingers groping for Lucy's.

"Dammit!" Freed yelled and then, the ground swallowed her whole.


"Lucy! Come on! Hey! Lucy!"

Lucy's eyes opened slowly, revealing Natsu, Wendy and Len leaning over her.

"Thank goodness." Wendy said with a sigh. "You're awake."

Natsu helped Lucy sit up, his hand on her back.

"Where are we?" She wondered aloud. Natsu shrugged and when she looked around, she received the same response from Len and Wendy. Her eyes landed on Gajeel and Gray and her eyes widened.

"Hey!" She looked back. "Are they ok?!" She questioned. Gray and Gajeel were both unconscious, laying on their backs. Wendy nodded solemnly.

"So you're awake." The four teens turned their heads.

Three wizards stood behind them. Loretta and two other wizards, a female and a male.

The female had light pink curly hair that flowed around her back and shoulders. She wore a pink dress that hugged her curves and a pair of boots that went up to her knees. She had a pretty, petite face and her eyes were the color of carmel. Her guild mark was on her left thigh.

The male looked like a crude version of Jet, complete with black hair that was pulled back into a spiky ponytail. He had gaunt features that looked sickly and he was even thinner than Jet. He was wearing a black tank top, black pants and black shoes.

"This ends here." Natsu growled, his fists bursting into flames. The man smiled and water formed around his fists.

"Water Dragon's: TALONS!" He yelled and Lucy's eyes widened.

"A dragon slayer?!" Lucy cried. Natsu turned with a start and tackled Lucy and Wendy, taking them to the floor as water shot above them.

"Susaku. Naiko. Can you take care of them?" Loretta asked, pushing her black hair out of her face.

"Hell yeah." Susaku said, cracking his knuckles. Naiko stepped forward, moving her head back and forth and humming a strange medley.

"Of course, Loretta-tan." Naiko sang.

"Dammit, these people are crazy." Natsu growled, his grip on Lucy tightening.


Ok so not exactly three new faces but three faces nonetheless :)

Find out what happens next in Chapter Thirty: Natsu versus Susaku!

Pretty self-explanatory...


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