Chapter Three: Found

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Chapter Three: Sphinx Paw's Power!

~Natsu Dragneel~

Natsu looked up as a crash rang out through Zioteron, dust flying into the air.

"It's Sphinx Paw!!" A man screamed and the villagers began to run screaming.

"Happy!" Natsu said.

"Aye sir!" Happy extended his wings, grabbing onto Natsu's vest. Happy lifted him into the air, zooming toward the blast.

"Natsu!" Happy yelled. "What's that?"

"Go down! Lets check it out."

"Aye sir!"

Happy landed moments later and Natsu's feet hit the ground.

"W-what happened here?" He said, eyes wide.

Rubble was scattered across the street, buildings destroyed.

"Natsu!" Happy yelled and Natsu's head popped up.

The blue cat was holding up Gray's necklace.

And Lucy's keys.

"Lucy!" Natsu yelled, looking around frantically. He fell to his knees and began dig, feeling terror build in his chest.

"Natsu, come here!" Happy screamed. Natsu jumped up, running over to him.

"Gray!" He exclaimed. Gray was under a wall on top of a pile of rubble. His upper body was hanging down, arms above his head and his hair falling back from his face.

Pulling Gray out from underneath the rubble, Natsu looked to Happy.

"Go get Erza, Wendy and Charle." Natsu said and Happy nodded.

"Gray, come on man." Natsu said, shaking Gray slightly. Gray let out a small groan, his black hair falling back from his from his forehead. "Gray! Where's Lucy?!" Gray's eyes opened slightly.

" head?" He murmured.

"Where's Lucy?" Natsu asked and Gray's hand raised slightly, pointing.

"I couldn't...stop him." Gray whispered and Natsu stood, running towards the pile Gray had pointed at. Natsu dug, quickly, frantically until he spotted a familiar hand with a pink Fairy Tail guild mark. Natsu dug even quicker, saying 'Lucy' as her face came into view. Her face was twisted in pain as Natsu dragged her out.

"Natsu-san!" Natsu turned his head as he clutched Lucy to his chest.

"Wendy! Hurry!" Wendy and Erza ran towards him and Lucy, Charle and Happy above them. Erza spotted Gray and stopped, clenching her hands. Wendy kneeled next to Lucy who Natsu had put on the ground and stretched her hands over Lucy's battered torso, greenish light appearing over her.

"Gray needs help too." Natsu said, leaning back on his heels. Wendy nodded and as soon as she was mostly done with Lucy, she stood and ran to Gray.

"Lets take them back to the inn. I haven't seen any hospitals but we can probably find some first aid things to help us at the inn." Erza said.

"Right." Natsu said, watching as Wendy fell back on her bottom, panting from exhaustion. He walked over to Gray, slightly disappointed when Erza headed to Lucy.

'Who would do this? Could it have Sphinx Paw? Where they really strong enough to take out Lucy and the Popsicle?' Natsu thought as he grabbed Gray's arm, pulling the ice mage onto his back. Gray's cold temperature soaked through Natsu's vest and, Natsu felt with shocked realization, he was shivering. 'Damn...what did they do to him?'

"Natsu-san?" Wendy was looking at Natsu with concern. Natsu locked eyes with Erza, who had Lucy on her own back, and she nodded.

"We have to get Gray warm." Natsu said simply, walking towards the inn.


Natsu sat next to Lucy's bed, his elbow resting on the spot next to her thigh. Her keys rested on the bedside table, along with Gray's necklace, silent.

'Usually Loke or one of the others would be able to tell that something happened to Lucy....why haven't any of them come out?' Natsu gritted his teeth as he glances over at Gray. The ice mage was laying on the other bed, face serene since Wendy's emergency treatment. He had bandages wrapped around his arms, his head his chest stuck to his cheeks and jaw. Erza had asked Natsu to tuck Gray into bed which was odd. Even more odd was the fact that Gray was still shivering.

Wendy had told him that Gray had a fever.

"Since when does the ice head get sick?" Natsu mused quietly to himself. Just then, Lucy moaned slightly behind him. He turned, a smile crossing his face as one of her eyes opened.

"N-Natsu..." She murmured, her right hand reaching towards him slightly. Natsu grabbed it softly, smiling as he intertwined their fingers.

"Lucy..." Natsu said.

"What.....where's Gray?" She murmured and Natsu moved slightly, showing her the ice mage, a twinge of jealousy shooting through him. Lucy smiled slightly. "Thank goodness...."

"Lucy...who did this to you?" Natsu asked, her hand still clutched tightly in his. Lucy looked at him, wincing slightly at the movement of her head. Natsu put his free hand on her shoulder. "Don't strain your self."

"S-Sphinx Paw....the leader.....k-knows Gray." Natsu blinked at Lucy's whisper. Her eye was closing slightly.

"What's his name? Come on tell me!" Natsu pleaded, clutching her hand to his chest. Lucy's eyes closed as she whispered the name.

"Michelangelo Glass."

Small 'shu's' escaped Lucy's lips, indicating that she was asleep. Her hand was limp in his and he sighed, carefully putting her hand down. As her hand hit the bed, the door opened, revealing Erza and Wendy accompanied by the exceeds.

"Anything?" Erza asked.

"Lucy was just awake...some guy name Michelangelo Glass attacked her." Natsu shrugged.

"Did she say anything else?" Wendy asked.

"I forgot." Natsu said simply.

Everybody sweat dropped.

"You can't forge things like that!" Charle exclaimed.

"Whatever." Natsu said, crossing his arms. A lung racking cough behind them caused them all to turn. Gray was on his side, hacking and Natsu's eyes widened as blood splattered the bed next to Gray.



Natsu stood, the chair beneath him flying back. Wendy was next to Gray, her small hand on his shoulder helping him sit up. Erza was next to the bed in an instant, watching him. Gray's back arched forward as his hands flew up to his mouth, blood dripping between his fingers as he coughed. Erza held his shoulders as his coughs ceased and he looked up, eyes half shut.

" Lucy?" Gray murmured, his voice hoarse.

"She's fine. What's wrong with you?" Erza asked, looking at him in concern. Gray looked away, down at the blood on his hands.

"I-I don't know...."


Dun dun dun!!!!

Hahaha :)

What's wrong with Gray?!

Why is he coughing up blood?

These to be answered in the next chapter;

Chapter Four: Explain to me, Lucy!

I will see you again (A Fairy Tail Fanfiction) *WILL BE REWRITING WHEN IOAE IS FINISHED* Where stories live. Discover now