These things that I rant about are only MY opinion! (And 2 of my friends.)
DO NOT take anything I say seriously. (Unless I say otherwise. As the title shows, this is meant to be a funny book. I don't plan on having anything serious in here, but just in case... I will put SERIOUS in front of it. [You don't want to know how tempted I was to type SIRIUS instead...])
DO NOT start a comments war because you don't believe that Slytherins are all bad. (Or any other thing I say that goes against your beliefs. I'm fine with a comment or two, but not a war. You are here to read my shitty thoughts and (hopefully) laugh at the stupid things I say, not to yell at me about how you think I'm wrong. (Which I'm not, BTW. I'm a girl, I'm always right. ;) )
DO NOT go on about politics (especially with the current political situation.) I don't care if you think Donald Trump is/n't an idiot, we are not talking about real world problems. (Ok, not about BIG real world problems. We can definetely talk about how my dog ate my chapter plans. 😠)
DO enjoy yourself. This is a book where I can blurt my anger and not slam my head into a wall. (Did that once. Not recommended. Got a headache soon afterwards.) It gives me a non-violent release valve and you hopefully a few laughs (and maybe something to think about along the way.)I am just going to assume all of you know what happens in Harry Potter. If you don't, 'What have you been doing for the past 18&1/2 years? Go and read/watch them!'
Just so you know, there will be
for all 7 HP books in my rants (I don't count Cursed Child as a HP, or as a book at all, really. There will be a rant about CC later in the book. I think that chapter's going to be ~quite~long...). Just warning you now, because I will NOT be putting *Spoiler* on every fucking HP page.
If you haven't read/watched them, I'd avoid any chapter with HP in the title, just to be safe.
You know now, so if you forget it, your bad, don't blame me. I warned you.
(And if you skipped this chapter because you wanted to get to the rants, well joke's on you now, isn't it, asshat? 😏)About Me:
-I swear a lot. If you don't like swearing, then I suggest getting out of this fucking book. This book is not for you.
-I like lots of books. A lot more than I should, really. I don't have a favourite 'book' as such, but the Shadowhunter Chronicles are... probably the closest I'll get to a favourite book. I also like Harry Potter, Rick Riordan, Hunger Games, The Hobbit, Den of the Keisha'Ra (Amelia Atwater-Rhodes), Air Awakens (Elise Kova), Enchantment series (Amber Averay), Scarpetta series (Patricia Cornwell), Nalini Singh, and lots more.
-I love anime (FAIRY TAIL!, OHSHC, Hetalia, SAO, Soul Eater, Black Butler... and too many others to name. 😅)
-I know a bit of Japanese because I mainly watch the subbed versions, not dubbed, which is sometimes very annoying but most times not.
-I'm also reading FT and Snow White with the Red Hair (ongoing) and have read SE, OHSHC, Inuyasha, Sailor Moon (when I was a kid) and started some others, but stopped reading them because they were boring.
-I love Dr Who (Except 12. I don't know why, but he just annoys me.), Bones and Shadowhunters.
-I live in the suburbs of Adelaide, South Australia, Australia. (No, I'm not going to tell you what suburb, creeper.)
-I have two friends (that's right, 2. I'm popular.) who proofread most of the stuff that goes on here. They are Iceland and Denmark (I'll explain their nicknames next chapter, or the one after, because I have plans for the third chapter *evil laughter*.) They both watch anime too. And Den reads the same books. They will be making appearances in this book (Like Icey did in ch1).
-I get sidetracked when I'm angry. So don't be surprised if you find (a point that I had to mention [explained in more detail] in the middle of brackets. Kind of like what I did about the house points [except I wasn't angry then. Just my mind going too fast (That happens a lot too.)] Ok? Thanks.) If it gets too confusing, just ignore it. That's what my friends do.
-I also talk to myself a lot, so I will probably do that on here as well. Even if I shouldn't be writing what I'm thinking. Sometimes, I have some really fucked up thoughts.
-I have finished school, am currently working casually. I'm about as normal as you can get... (with book&anime nerds, anyway.)
-I'm not on the internet a lot. (More like once a week. I'm on Wattpad even less.) I go on Wattpad to update my library, then leave for (most times) two weeks. So that would be when I update this, most likely.
-I HATE spelling mistakes in books. (Surprising, I don't really care about my spelling in text messaging. I do all the IDK, BRB, im, dont stuff that my generation does. I don't know why it doesn't bother me then.)
So if you see a mistake, TELL ME PLEASE! Otherwise, I'll be garbage! Asymmetrical garbage! (Anyone get that OCD reference? No, not counting you Ice&Den.)
(And things that I delibrately spell wrong, like suppost (suppose to), just ignore those. That is how I say it, so suppose to just looks wrong to me and I can't use it.)
-I write on paper then transfer to the iPad.
-I joined Wattpad in December 2015 to read a friend's book, but then forgot about it until this year (2017). I started reading again in March. As of April 23, I have 186 books in my library. (Not ashamed to admit, most of them are Fairy Tail, Hetalia and Miraculous fanfics. [Ok, I'm a little bit ashamed. How did I get that many books in 2 months? I have no life, that's how.])
*flinch* THWACK!
%.>^]They're coming to take me away, haha! They're coming to take me away!.}>€*
Ow! Fuck! Ow! Sorry! That won't happen again.
~#£She thinks it won't.<\}
Shut up! We don't want them to think we're crazy!
I swear, I haven't got voices in my head, people!
#|+But we sure do have some good ideas at times, don't we?{%.
Fuck Off!
Random Fandom Rants
De TodoThis is, as the name suggests, a book of rants. Most of them will be about books, movies, anime, cartoons. But some will be about my life. Not a lot, maybe... 5? Yeah, 5 is a good number. Any fandom is allowed here (except the City of Bones 2013 mov...