*SPOILER* Books and TV, at the bottom of the chapter. Well, if you've seen the movie, it's not, and it would probably go right over new fans' heads, but, just in case...
There will be more warning. You know by now how my spoiler alerts are set up.Okay, so this isn't a rant about a plot hole, but a spelling mistake that bugs me EVERY SINGLE TIME I read it, and even when I read over the fixed copy, I still cringe when I read anywhere near it.
What's worse is that it is the only time in the whole series that it is spelt incorrectly. It is only one letter, but it annoys the hell of out me.In TMI, her name is Isabelle Sophie Lightwood, right?
In the CoB novel, near the beginning (can't remember when, and can't look it up for the reasons below) it is spelt incorrectly. It is spelt Isabella.
How do you miss that?!I mean, I know that Cassandra Clare proofreads her stuff (At least, I bloody well hope so) but having a name of one of your 6 main characters wrong is just a big no-no! (Even though it's only once.)
Especially as it's near the beginning, and you're still not entirely sure what characters' names are. When you see that, you think her name is actually Isabella, as both Isabelle and Izzy are nicknames for that.
But no, it is just a spelling mistake. So you go along, reading Isabelle and Izzy, and finally realise there are no Isabellas in this story at all.
Hurry up and fix it in the next edition! It came out in '07. It deserves another edition by now.
(BTW, Happy 10th Birthday CoB!!!)So, you probably never noticed that before (If you had, yay! Spelling Nazis Unite!). But now that I've said it, you're going to reread it, and go, 'How the hell did I miss that?'. And then, whenever you read CoB again, you'll see it. It will blare out from the page at you, and the only thing you will be able to do is glare back at it.
Unless you have a PDF copy. Then you can transfer it to Word and change it, then export it to PDF again. I did that. But I can't change the novel copy that I borrow from the library sometimes. (Unless I write on it, but I don't want to. If any of you reading this do draw on/write on/dog-ear novels, FUCK YOU! [Unless it's a history book with Hetalia notes in it. I'm fine with that.] You are ruining a perfectly good book!) Just try to ignore the novel copy. If you can... 😈But because I changed my PDF copy, and the library takes 3 months to get a book in, I don't know when the mistake happens exactly. I'm pretty sure it's at the bottom of a page though. If you know where it is, comment the page number and sentence, or the whole paragraph, (mistake included) and get a point for your house.
Just so you know, the next chapter I will be publishing will be on the 1st of September, then a timejump to the 17th. From then, regular updates will be continued every fortnight, 17-9, 1-10, 15-10, etc.
Sorry for the inconvenience, but the schedule was something I needed to change, to fit the updates into my life better.I've just had a storm of inspiration, so I'm gonna publish another book! Yay!
Fairy Tail and Hetalia Ship Stories!
There's more drabbles in there than actual plot-driven stories, though. Oh well. Obviously, it'll be stories about Fairy Tail and Hetalia ships. The first chapter's going to be published on the 17th of September.PancakeStack seems to be taking a bit of a break, if we can call it that when we haven't even released anything yet, because we have everything filmed, AVCon, our Intro, even another video and a half... but PS' editing software decided that it was going to fuck up, so we have to wait until PS gets another editing program. But I don't know when she'll be able to.
So this book is to kind of tide you over until we get up and running.And now for a bit more TMI rant. Spoilers below.
Just for a second, can you imagine how the people who got introduced to the Shadow World via the movie would react when they see the TV series?
"But wait, you mean portals aren't natural?
"And demons can't get into the Institute?
"*Gasp!* Hodge isn't the head of the Institute?!" (To be fair, this was kinda my reaction too. I mean, he was one of only 3 adults in the Institute-their mentor and teacher. That's what makes his betrayal so close to them hurt like hell. And now he's just one of many.)
"Who is this Rafel dude?" (Yes, that was a deliberate spelling mistake. I actually saw that spelling on a so-called fan's post about 'Shadowhunters'.)
"There are fairies? Since when?
"So many things have changed!!"
Um... That's because the movie changed everything about the series. The movie you love? Real fans know it's fake as fuck.
But if you are one of those fans who love the movie and think it's fantastic, okay, fine. I'm not going to get into an argument here. But just answer one thing...
How can demons stand on Holy Ground?Now for the actual TV series rant. Or more, 'the people who only watch the TV' rant.
So, I haven't seen much of Shadowhunters after epi 3, S2. I've been wanting to catch up-I was so fucking enthusiastic when I heard about it in 2015-but I just haven't had the time.
But anyway... All the people who have only been watching the show?
Some of the outrageous shit they say? *sighs* You couldn't be further from the truth.
And their ships are weird. Those people keep going on about the different ships, and I just sit back and watch them all and laugh. Because they are going on about SAia, and ClImon, and MagIlle, and AlYdia, and here I am, just watching it all and going: "You bloody idiots. Seriously?"
God, don't even get me started on ClAce.
Okay, too late. These stupid people don't even pay attention to the clues that are staring them in the face! Through the whole season one, there are SO MANY clues as to who they really are! And the so-called 'hardcore fans' don't even notice!! Just-Are you fucking BLIND?
*cough* Sorry. Just had to get that off my chest.
Random Fandom Rants
De TodoThis is, as the name suggests, a book of rants. Most of them will be about books, movies, anime, cartoons. But some will be about my life. Not a lot, maybe... 5? Yeah, 5 is a good number. Any fandom is allowed here (except the City of Bones 2013 mov...