24 PJ Poseidon's None-Existant Earthquake Powers

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Throughout both the movies and all the books, all of the focus is put on Percy being the son of the sea god.
"All hail Perseus Jackson, son of the sea god."
"Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon, god of the sea."
Sure, the ocean is the main part of Poseidon's power. But none of the Olmpians have just one focus. Zeus is about storms and leaders. Pluto is the afterlife and the shiny things in the ground (I know Pluto is Roman, but we'll include it here, because HoO). Apollo is the sun and music and medicine. Artemis is the moon and young girls (That sounded a lot less creepy in my head). Hermes is travellers and messages.
So where is the other side of Poseidon? He is not just the god of the sea, but also of sea creatures, horses and earthquakes. Yet it is this last part that bothers me.
Posideon is also the god of earthquakes. All of the emphasis is put on the sea, the ocean, the fish and things that live there, the horses formed from sea-foam.
Uncle Rick goes through the whole 'His eyes were as calm as the summer sea' or 'as stormy as a winter squall', but nothing about how 'his eyes rolled like the techtonic plates as the earth pushed them together'. Okay, I admit, doesn't flow as well (Ha. Get it? Flow?) as the water comparisons, but it can happen!
So why would earthquaky powers be left out? Because earthquakes aren't magical enough to be a deity's power? Does earthquakes being explained by science fuck up Greek myths? (Of course it does! Science rules!) But Rick does explain (rather confusingly, might I add) in HoO3, or one of the Kane Chronicles, that science and gods can exist side by side and both of them can be correct. So there goes a reason Rick ignores a part of Poseidon's personality.
In the movies, I can't think of a single example of earthquaky stuff happening with either Percy or Poseidon. In the books, it is less likely for Percy, because it is explained that he only has water powers, and horse telepathy powers, and breathing underwater powers, and pissing off Hera powers.
However, in HoO2, he uses Riptide to create a fissure in the earth, so I guess that's one point earthquakey powers are used. But we don't find out if that was from Percy, or the sword itself, so...
But Poseidon also shows none of his earthquake powers. Although there are stories about him using his earth powers in myths, it is rarely mentioned in the books. I think when Zeus and Poseidon were having their little spat at the start of LT, it was maybe mentioned that earthquakes were happening over the earth, but the main focus was on the oceans being pissy.
It is a vital part of him and his myths. You can't just pick half of a personality to delete, Rick. But apparently, he did.
He has tried his best to fit in a lot of the different gods aspects, even going so far to include a bit about Athena and olives, which I thank him for, because I know it would've been hard work to do, but not giving space to half of a god's powers? Come on!

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