He is...?

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Connor Murphy was a social outcast, even he himself thinks so.

He would walk down the school hallway, striking fear into anyone who looks at him. He would respond to anyone often in curses. Things like "Fuck off, dipshit" was common in his vocabulary. Because of his long, brown hair covering his left eye, as well as the usual all black attire, which consisted of a black hoodie and black jeans, he was also seen as the 'emo soon-to-be school shooter', which honestly didn't even faze him that much after three days worth of the same insult.

He didn't care that much about anyone, really. His parents, and his sister, Zoe, were exceptions, but only when compared to his school mates. He still wouldn't give that many fucks about them.

Which led to these daily events.

He went down the stairs of his own home, his eyes met with his mother, Cynthia Murphy. She was sitting at the dinner table, spreading some jam on bread when Connor climbed down. Next to her was the 'all-perfect girl' Zoe Murphy, who was busy tapping on her phone, her eyes completely fixated on it when she reached forward to grab a plain slice of bread to chew on, with a finished bowl of cereal in front of her.

And finally, Larry Murphy.

His dad, who was currently ignoring the rest of the family by flipping through his newspaper. Connor could feel himself groaning at the sight of Larry.

"Connor," Cynthia spoke enthusiastically, "come sit with us!"

She tapped onto the empty chair beside, invitingly. A bright smile on her face to welcome Connor for breakfast, which Connor absolutely detested. That bright, happy smile.

Connor slowly stepped down the stairs, moving towards the empty wooden seat with a neutral face of displeasure. He sat down on wooden seat, leaning his bag against the leg of his chair as he slouched forward, tucking his head in his crossed arms and leaning on the table. The morning was rough. He woke up at four in the morning as he couldn't sleep, which made him smoke weed. He's restless, and he can't stand his family, how bad of a combination.

"Connor, don't sit like that," she reprimanded, wagging her finger at him. "I thought I told you that many times?"

Connor remained silent, rolling his eyes at his mother's words.

"Let it go, Cynthia," Larry intervened. "He looks like he can't hear you at all. He's probably high..." He decided to mutter the last part, straightening out his newspaper and creating a loud cluttering sound to cover up his muttering.

"He's definitely high," Zoe commented, drinking from her cup of orange juice which their mother bought, and surprisingly was to her liking.

Connor, irritated, looked up at Zoe slightly a shouted a nice, 'fuck you' to her face, which prompted the same response back from Zoe.

"Now, Zoey. I don't need you to start arguing with Connor," Cynthia said, exasperated as she wondered how her family breaks apart so easily, how she had no way of connecting them. "It's not constructive. Besides, he's not high."

Connor looked up, not saying a word.

Cynthia noticed this, and turned to Connor, shocked.

"Connor, are you high?" she questioned, giving Connor her look of disappointment. "It's your first day of senior year, I don't want you going to school high!"

Connor, fed up with this same song and dance, replied with frustration, "Fine, then I'll just not go to school!"

He stood up abruptly, slouching down and grabbed his satchel and walked up the stairs to his room, sarcastically shouting a "thanks mom" as he disappeared up the stairs and into his room.

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