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There was school the next day, and it would be horrible.

Evan had woken up, feeling devastated. His usual routine consisted of meeting Connor for practically every single part of the school day, and seeing Connor would only make things awkward.

He sat up in bed with a jolt, the idea of the awkwardness of their interaction hitting him. He groaned, burying his face in his hands. It would be horrifying to meet Connor after what had happened, but he had no choice. He has never skipped school in his life, so he could not avoid school today.

He sighed, getting out of bed and got ready. Clearly, he's trying to mentally prepare himself for the awkwardness.


Evan reached the school, heart filled with dread. Every step he took towards the school, he could feel the fear and dread overwhelm him even further. He could almost feel himself turning back, but his legs kept him in the same direction.

He walked up the steps towards the school entrance, quietly maneuvering past other students who were entering the building and leaned against the glass entranceway. He nervously held onto the hem of his shirt, cursing himself for forgetting to bring along his fidget cube.

However, he distracted himself by thinking of the ways to approach the day. He thought about what would happen if they were to meet. Of course, Evan felt that he would be anxious to the point he would walk in the opposite direction, but he decided that he needed to change himself. He should not need to avoid Connor. There was no reason to. He should just face him.

A sense of determination filled him with courage, which led to the realisation that he had subconsciously been waiting for Connor. He leaned against the entrance of his school as usual, to run up to Connor and give him his daily hug. This realisation weakened his resolve, but only a little. He figured that since he was already there, he might as well just go through with it.

He stared at the road, trying to spot a certain car that belonged to Connor, only to discover that it has been past Connor's usual arrival time. And yet, Connor was no where in sight. He squinted, trying to see where Connor was, but to no avail. He was just about to give up, when he noticed a car driving up to the curb.

The sudden arrival of this car sent shivers of excitement and fear through Evan. A part of him strongly urged his body to just walk into the school, avoiding everyone who had been involved in this mess of a situation. Another part of him told him to stay and face his problems, to stop running away from them as if that was the best solution. His determination to change made him choose the latter, as he quietly glanced towards the door of the black car slowly open up.

He was anticipating the bright sun to shine on the tuft of messy, unkempt brown hair up to the shoulders, with a full body of black clothing, sleeves rolled up to the elbows. Instead, he was greeted with disappointment. Zoe emerged out of the car alone, rocking a galaxy patterned shirt and a cardigan over it. She wore deep blue tights, matching the shirt nicely. Evan noticed how beautiful she looked, and was utterly impressed, but his eyes scanned for a different Murphy.

He sprinted up to her, meeting her in mere seconds due to his excitement. Zoe noticed Evan and tried her best to put up a smile.

"Hi, Evan," she uttered, her tone a tad bit forced, "what's up?"

"'s Connor?"

Zoe took note of the question, sighing irritatingly. Her brows furrowed, as she palms her forehead. Evan could tell that some conflict occurred between the two.

"He wanted to skip today," Zoe responded, moving her hand and brushing her hair towards her right, "I tried to get him to come to school, but he didn't really want to."

Dear Crush! | A Dear Evan Hansen Fanfiction |Where stories live. Discover now