How are you?

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Evan could not help but feel anxious.

Walking beside Connor for the first time in a long while, especially when they still technically are under the status of broken up. What even are they now? Are they even considered boyfriends again? Did Evan need to say it out loud?

He fiddled with the button up, trying to distract himself when he remembered the fidget cube in his other hand. He quickly switched the fidget cube to his right hand, clicking the buttons on it and turning the joystick. Slowly, his mind lifted off of the awkward tension and he could feel his beating heart calm down.

He turned to Connor, admiring his face with a smile. It has been a long while since Evan had seen Connor. He noticed that he seemed to have more energy than before, perhaps from getting more sleep. He also noticed his outfit, which made him look much more friendly than his usual.

He still wore a signature black, but this time it was a vest of sorts. He wore a gray undershirt, just as Evan has. He had a pair of dark blue jeans, almost passing for black, but not quite. His entire appearance made him look very much approachable, although his height was still a tad bit intimidating.

It has been such a long time since Evan could walk beside Connor, happily talking to him about anything that came to their mind.

" wanted to talk, r-right?" Evan asked, gaining the attention of Connor. Connor smiled, absolutely in love with Evan. He felt so ecstatic to finally talk to Evan for so long, to look at him and admire everything about him.

Evan, of course, was doing the same. Both of them were trying to just peek at each other, any chance that they got. Evan would look away, his mind playing tricks on him by thinking that Connor had looked over. Connor would take this chance to gaze at Evan, smiling.

Connor also noticed that the students around them had worried expressions, glancing towards their direction. Some of those worried gazes would change into smiles, some of the worried gazes become sighs. It annoyed Connor to no end, feeling the gazes of everyone around them.

He pretended to cough, which served as a warning for those around them as well as a call for Evan's attention. He saw Evan turn to face him, wearing the bright smile he missed so dearly.

"Uh, yeah. It's been a while, huh? How's..." Connor paused, thinking of a word to explain what he wanted to ask, "how have you been?"

"I-It's been good!" Evan responded, both stopping at his locker. He reached his hands towards his lock, twisting and turning nervously as he felt Connor's stare.

"I've been about my own mind, my-my own actions and reflecting on them." Evan continued, hearing the loud creaking from his locker as he swung open the door. He saw all of his textbook sitting in his scarcely decorated locker, reaching in for the subject he had for the period.

He realised that he has yet to apologise to Connor, face to face anyways. He gripped his textbook and brought it to his chest, holding it tightly in his arms. He took a deep breath, calming his heart as it continued beating faster to the rhythm of the suspense his mind manifested.

He shut his locker quietly, turning to Connor. He noticed that Connor had been listening intently the whole time, a smile on his face to encourage a calm atmosphere. Evan felt more at ease, his shoulders relaxing as he turned to see Connor being so very supportive of his feelings.

"C-Connor, I'm sorry," Evan spoke as clearly as possible. He knew that if he wanted to apologise, the most he could do was be as sincere and as clear as he could be. This apology caught Connor off guard. He had not been prepared for his apology at all, despite knowing that an apology from him was bound to happen.

Dear Crush! | A Dear Evan Hansen Fanfiction |Where stories live. Discover now