Who Is It?

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{Author's note
: Hello there! Welcome to the part you've all been waiting for!}

It's been awhile since that little bonding time with the four of them. Evan still could not help but feel extremely intrigued about one particular sentence during the bonding session. This feeling of wanting something made all the lessons in the day feel longer, feel more torturous. His mind kept repeating the same words over and over again in his mind.

It was about Connor's crush.

Connor said that he was gonna tell him after the bonding session was over, but it never happened. Connor kept that little secret to himself. It made Evan extremely curious and the fact that Connor had not told him tore him up. So, fueled by his determination to find out, he had enlisted Jared for help. Not the best choice, but that's all he's got.

Jared was about to open his locker when he felt a yank from someone. He turned around to see Evan, once again glancing over his shoulder to make sure no one was looking, acting extremely suspicious.

"Oh my god," he said, facepalming and chuckling, "are we having another bonding time?"

Evan shook his head and leaned forward to whisper his thoughts to Jared. He was listening in, giving his full attention to Evan as Evan spewed his ridiculous thought. Evan spilled about how he wanted to know about Connor's crush, completely avoiding to tell him about when he was told this.

"Wait, huh," Jared asked, going back to opening his locker as class was going to start soon, "why do you want to know?"

"It's his business, right," he added on, remembering not to say his name out loud so that Evan did not freak out.

"Y-yeah, I know," Evan mumbled, trying to think of some sort of excuse that would not let Jared know that Connor had told him, "I-I, uh, I'm j-just very curious. Yeah, that."

He smiled nervously, as Jared raised a brow. Jared then rolled his eyes, letting out a chuckle.

"Alright. I'll help."

Jared was reaching into his locker to grab the Biology textbook, when he felt Evan tug on his sleeves once more, frantically so.

"D-don't, um, don't straight up ask him either," Evan added on, once again pulling at the hem of his shirt out of habit.

"He's not exactly straight, Evan."

"J-Jared, focus," he replied, exasperated, "I don't want him to find out that I had asked."

"Okay," Jared acknowledged, locking up his locker and shifting the textbook in his hand, "I'll be undercover."

He swiped his hands away from himself, squinting his eyes and slowly tried to slink away, as if to emphasise that he was gonna be secretive ironically as he's making himself much more obvious. This action just made Evan facepalm, although he was laughing at Jared's actions as well.

"Hey, Ev," Connor greeted, walking up behind Evan with a smile, "Jared."

Jared gave him a quick salute and walked away to his class, giving Evan a smile before rushing towards class. This left Evan standing awkwardly next to Connor. He nervously glanced up at Connor, noticing how Connor was quite a bit taller than him, how he seemed perfect to hug. He noticed his eyes. Wow, they were pretty. Evan stared at Connor, a mystified look on his face and practically ignoring everything around him.

"Dude, you're spacing out," he called out, knocking Evan's forehead gently with his knuckle, his palm facing away from Evan. Evan felt the soft knock, which snapped him out of his trance of admiring his crush's face.

Dear Crush! | A Dear Evan Hansen Fanfiction |Where stories live. Discover now