The Old Orchard

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Connor was excited to go to school, for once in his life.

He woke up with so much gusto, he had to spend five minutes trying to correct it to fit his normal front. When he faced the mirror in his bathroom, he saw a smile. A genuine smile. One that actually matched the feelings of joy in his heart, and wasn't just faked to please others.

That felt fucking fantastic. To smile, to actually expect something nice to happen.

Connor was excited to talk to Evan, this time in real life and not over text. He wore a grey T-shirt, and put a black hoodie over it, with long blue jeans. He grabbed a comb, attempting to shape his mess of a hair into something much more uniform, but gave up after grooming it took five minutes and it didn't even look like he tried.

He just sighed, and grabbed his satchel, shoving his notebook inside. He then searched around. His wallet, in his pocket. Phone? Oh, it's on the bed. He then left for downstairs, meeting with his family.

"Connor, good morning!" His mom said, with much enthusiasm like always.

"Good morning, mom," Connor replied, taking a seat beside his dad and laid his satchel down on the ground. His dad did the same thing as he always did, he looked through his newspaper and ignored the family completely.

Connor reached forward and grabbed a slice of bread, spread some peanut butter on it and folded it in half. He then grabbed a cup, pouring the milk from the milk carton on the table into it and setting the cup in front of him.

He bit into the peanut butter and chewed, as his mother piped up.

"Oh, Connor, have you managed to invite Evan over?"

Connor froze, as he saw his dad look up from his newspaper out of the corner of his eye. He knew exactly what his father was going to say. Oh, Connor has friends? He dreaded it.

And Larry said exactly that.

This made Cynthia respond, quite negatively, "Larry, don't say that!" This earned her an eye roll.

Larry looked back down at his newspaper, as Zoe came down to the table, her own bag slung over her shoulder.

"Good morning, Zoey!" Cynthia exclaimed, as Zoe sat down and placed her bag on the floor.

"Good morning, Honey," Larry said, his eyes still fixated on the newspaper in his hand.

"Good morning," she replied, still a bit sleepy.

Connor just ate, ignoring Zoe and her good morning, infuriated by his father's attitude towards Connor having a friend.


Connor opened the doors to his school, seeing everyone give him the same look of fear, of shock, of detest. All except a pair of blue eyes in the crowd of people that was filled with happiness and joy when they saw Connor.

Evan made his way over to Connor, a smile hanging on his face.

"H-Hi Connor," Evan said, waving his hand with the cast.

"Hi, Ev," Connor said, smiling back at Evan. He saw Evan fidgeting with his shirt's hem, a little awkwardly so as he had a cast. Connor then placed his hand on his back, making both of them walk down the hall.

"C'mon, let's go to class," Connor smiled, noticing that Evan blushed a bit, and smiled back. They both walked over to Evan's locker, where he took out the Geography textbook.

"So, you said you really like nature, right," Connor asked, as Evan locked up his locker. He saw Evan turn to him, his face lit up and a sparkle in his eyes out of excitement.

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