A Second Picnic

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"I'm so excited!"

Evan had been sitting on the couch, his mind buzzing with excitement over how everything was going to be fun, as he stuffed his backpack with a towel. He managed to squeeze it in, and he quickly zipped it up, collapsing onto the couch with a smile. In fact, his attire had been entirely different from the usual blue polo-t. It was a new black-and-blue raglan baseball tee, and a pair of dark blue jeans. For once, he liked how he looked.

He glanced around the empty house, noticing that the windows had still been open. Since he was the only person in the house, Heidi gone to work by this time, he had the responsibility of shutting the windows and turning off all the fans and lights. He shuffled onto his feet, still extremely hyper, and moved around the house.

He practically bounced to the window in the kitchen, smiling his way there. He reached his hands out, clasping onto the frame of the window when the bright and warm sun shining on him. The sky had been a beautiful and cool blue, almost as peaceful as the white clouds drifting by.

He felt himself slowly relaxing. He leaned his arms on the window frame, glancing outside at the many flowers and the neighbourhood around him. All of it seemed extraordinarily wonderful and peaceful. He has never looked outside his house feeling this at ease in his entire life. It was honestly unnerving, in a way.

A staccato of knocks shook him from his daydream, as he abruptly turned about to face the door. This abrupt turn brought him back to reality when he realised who was there. He quickly turned back to the window, swiftly grasping at the window frame and then shutting the window. Immediately as the sound of the closing window occurred, he rushed to the door.

He took one step into the living room, only to see that Jared had already opened the door, on his way to walk inside. Evan sighed, wondering again how Jared managed to always get the door open. Jared, noticing his sigh, grinned, revealing a key hanging from his index finger. He then swung it in a circle, walking in and facing him. Evan could only sigh, a smile on his face. Jared had been completely casual. He had on a tank top and peach shorts, carrying a bulky satchel. Evan stared at the satchel, then up at Jared who held a large grin. He could only imagine that there had been a giant bottle of water and water balloons.


Evan had just locked the front door, stuffed the key in his pocket and ran up to the path, where Jared had been standing waiting. Immediately, he felt the warmth of the sunlight enveloping him. The both of them then started to walk towards the direction of the orchard. Evan had the chance to glance around and admire the different beautiful plants the garnished the neighbourhood. This gave Jared a good amount time to talk to Evan.

"So, Evan. How are you doing about Connor?" 

Evan recalled the incident yesterday, about Heidi being livid about Evan and his secret about Connor and his relationship status. In all honesty, he had been disappointed with his own behaviour, just as Heidi had been. However, it was a good reminder for him to start to reconnect with his mom about how his life had been, how they rarely talk due to her work schedule, which makes connecting more difficult. So, instead of frowning and trying to make himself break apart from her, he smiled.

"I-It's difficult... but I think I can handle it." He had recognised that this was the same with Connor. He did not want to talk about it, because of the many excuses he had subconsciously created in his mind. 

Jared tilted his head slightly to the side, intrigued by Evan's smile. It would seem that something happened yesterday which motivated Evan to be more confident in his answer. It was almost uplifting to see Evan having this firm decision made in his head. He gave Evan a warm smile, to signify his endless support for his endeavours. Evan took note of the encouraging smile, grinning.

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