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Connor solemnly walked into his own house, feeling devastated.

He could not believe that he had spoken about taking a break, just like that. He did not believe that Evan had agreed. In fact, he could not even believe that he was here at his own home, empty handed. He stared at the stone pavement, following it to the wooden porch of the house. He could see the bright lights of the house grow closer and closer as he shuffled his feet towards the house.

Zoe walked behind him, with mixed feelings about the whole situation. She had absolutely no words. No, she did not stay silent because of anger. Far from it. She found it impossible to form any words about this whole situation. It was unexpected, that was a definite. All she could do was stay silent. No words could be put into the mixed feelings she had.

She quietly walked up in front of Connor, digging into her shirt pocket for the house key. She inserted it into the key hole and twisted, pushing open the door to reveal a mess of a scene.

Alana stood in front of the television, looking absolutely distressed. She folded her arms, gazing at Jared. Jared paced left and right, absolutely impatient. He was seemingly deep in thought, unable to calm down. Cynthia sat at the dinner table, nervously gripping at the table cloth as well as the apron of the chair. She seemed absolutely distraught. Larry stood beside Cynthia, looking as impatient as Jared had been.

Zoe walked into the scene, and could feel the unnerve within all of them. She bit her lip, unsure of how to address the situation. However, she had no need to. As soon as the door swung open, all four heads glanced towards the door. She could see Cynthia and Larry's eyes light up, their tense shoulders relaxing as they both moved from the previous spots to pull Zoe and Connor into a hug.

Connor, who was not use to Larry being one to hug him, was absolutely surprised. He could feel a tiny bit of reflexes kicking in, almost causing him to punch Larry. He managed to stop himself, while Larry and Cynthia both continued hugging their children, crying tears of joy.

"Oh my gosh," Cynthia exclaimed, sobbing hysterically, "where have you two been?"

Cynthia released them from her hug, noticing the perspiration drenching them entirely. Both had small tears on their clothes, as well as random arrangements of small brown leaves in their hair. This only made her more worried, as she tried to pick away the leaves in their hair.

Larry wiped away his tears, trying to look like the proper dad that he had been portraying. He gripped Connor's shoulders, attempting to speak eye to eye with Connor. Instead, Connor continued staring at the carpet in their home, blanking out.

"Connor," Larry called out, worried about Connor. He seemed sad, to the point it was heart wrenching to see. Larry could feel his brows furrowing as he attempted to talk to Connor once more. Connor did not respond again.

Zoe noticed Connor's behaviour, and recognised the despair he feels. She gripped onto her dress out of being unsure as to what she should be doing to help. She could only draw a blank, unable to help Connor in any way. That really clawed at her heart. She was about to reach out to Connor, to tear away from her mother's grip on her when Jared marched up to Connor.

Immediately, Jared gripped at Connor's black hoodie. He grabbed the hoodie just in front of Connor's neck with a deathly grip, pulling him upwards. Connor did not resist at all. He let Jared pull on his hoodie, and his eyes were off the carpet, and on Jared's face.

He was seething with rage. You could see his brows furrowing, as his eyes burned with rage. Connor stared into those anger filled eyes with a sad look. He was too much of an emotional mess to react to Jared. He was too much of an emotional mess to care about anything right now.

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