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"I'll set up the picnic, y'all go fly some kites or something," Zoe chuckled, dragging Alana along with her to set up the picnic. She then quietly went up to Jared and asked him to accompany the two.

"As if it isn't already super awkward already," Jared added hurriedly, already capable of predicting the awkward tension between the two. Telling him to get between the two will only make the whole situation more unbearable. It was honestly quite hypocritical for him to be complaining, he quickly realised.

Zoe shoved him towards the direction of Evan and Connor, already ignoring what he had been trying to say and returned to setting up the picnic for all of them. Jared could only mutter quietly, begrudgingly dragging his feet along the grass, listening to the loud rustling of the foliage under his feet as he made his way towards the two.

As he grumbled, he noticed the pitiful state they were in. They had been standing only a few feet away from each other. They both glanced away, obvious blushes on their face. Evan was furiously gripping onto the hem of his shirt, unable to muster a single glance at Connor. Connor was giving quick and subtle glances towards Evan, smiling to himself a bit more each time.

Jared sighed, genuinely feeling tired from their obvious display of emotion. He reached into the bag of items, reached in for two sets of the store bought kites and ran over to their sides.

Evan heard the sound of grass shuffling from behind, and immediately turned around. Jared could see the look of relief in Evan's eyes as Jared waltz over, almost ecstatic to have Jared as his way out of this awkward situation he somehow trapped himself in. Connor looked away from them, both a little upset and relieved that Jared had intervened their little glance fest. Evan quickly sprinted towards to Jared, meeting him halfway. Jared then put on his smile, shoving one of the kite sets towards Evan and pressing it against his arms.

"Alright, we're gonna play with kites," Jared yelled out, almost exaggerated to prove to Zoe that he had been following what she said, "you okay with that, Murphy?"

Connor simply nodded, even though he felt that this specific activity was a little strange for a group picnic of seventeen to eighteen year olds. Not that he had been complaining. He hasn't flown a kite with his family for such a long time, not since he had distanced himself from them. It was honestly quite a refreshing start to fly one again.

He glanced over and noticed that Evan had been beaming with excitement. His hands curled themselves around the plastic covering of the set, admiring with a sense of childish exhilaration. His lips could not help but curl upwards, breaking into a wide grin. If it weren't for the fact that Connor and Jared had been there, Evan might have started jumping up and down. Evan's eyes scanned the kite in his hands, and then up to Connor. Connor could vividly see how elated Evan had been about flying the kite, which infected him with happiness.

Together, they all walked back to the picnic area where the cloth had been laid out. Evan had been quick to kneel on the cloth, tugging at the plastic cover. Jared and Connor stood beside him, glancing down at what he attempted to do. He pulled out the folded kite, gently spreading it out to its diamond shape. As expected of Evan, he found himself a dim blue kite. He then stopped doing anything, sort of glancing back at Connor and then at the kite.

Connor felt so compelled to squeeze Evan's cheeks after that display, but he quickly kneeled down onto the picnic cloth and held onto the spreaders that laid on the kite. He then instructed Evan on how to place the spreaders in place and how to tie the string to the kite, promptly showing Evan how the kite should be flown and how he should hold the string. Jared watched, forcibly trying not to groan in mock disgust.

Zoe would occasionally glance over her shoulders, giggling and giving Jared a thumbs up as Jared returned the favour by flipping the bird. Zoe returned to finishing her task ; setting up the hammock by tying both ends to the trees. Alana had been helping her, finding a tree that had been close enough to tie the other end to.

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