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Oh dear god, why did that happen?

As you can tell, Evan was extremely shaken up.

He had managed to talk to Connor Murphy, who was not known as the most friendliest person in the world by any means. He was known purely for his temper and his drug intake, why gave him an extremely horrible name for himself. It was still unbelievable that he approached Evan.

Well, at least he could tell Doctor Sherman about this.

Doctor Sherman was Evan's therapist. Since Evan had a very severe case of social anxiety, his mother, the wonderful and kind Heidi Hansen, arranged therapy sessions for him, to try his best to overcome this social anxiety, at least to the point where he can talk to others without any issues.

It's been working really well, actually. From what happened with Connor, of course. His heart was still beating against his chest loudly, a nervous wreck from talking to someone else, but he had done better than ever before. Usually, he would collapse into a puddle of goo, unable to continue talking.

He breathed, trying to calm his heart rate as he watched the Murphy's drive off.

His hand wondered to his pocket again, pulling it out and holding it over his chest with both hands. He was excited, nervous and scared, all mixed up in one feeling in his heart.

Evan grinned, the whole way from school to home. His cheek were hurting a bit, but he still loved the thought of having a friend to talk to.

He reached home, unlocking the front door and threw his bag towards the little couch in the middle of the room, shutting and locking the door, before happily landing on the couch, careful not to jump on it.

He was so excited and filled with joy he couldn't contain himself, honestly.

He wanted to text Connor immediately, right this instant, to talk about something, anything. He couldn't wait to talk to Connor, and he could feeling himself squealing out of excitement.

No, I have to play it cool.

Evan decided that texting Connor immediately kind of made him seem incredibly creepy and desperate for attention, as if he was this stalker. So, he decided to organise himself, just as a way to seem like he had been busy.

From now, he glanced over at the clock which read four. He kept it as homework time, till six. Six to seven, email writing assignment that Doctor Sherman assigned him. Then, he can text Connor and-


He was awfully worked up. Now, he kinda sounded like a creep who just wanted to stalk Connor. He felt his heart beating again, excitement flowing through him.

Urgh, he was a mess.



Evan Hansen has a crush on Connor Murphy, that's why.

He never told anyone. Not even his own mother. It was kinda scary to tell anyone, really. Connor Murphy? In love with Evan Hansen? Never in a million years. Evan didn't even expect to have Connor approach him for a friendship, much less a relationship.

The reason nobody thought Evan could be in love with him was because of who others assumed was his crush. Zoe Murphy. The literally opposite. For example, yesterday. Jared was teasing him about his crush being Zoe Murphy. Evan heard the name Murphy, and blush, his mind wondering to Connor and his beautiful features. Like his hair, or his eyes.

How did they come up with that? Hilariously, Evan mistakenly blurted out Connor's name when they asked, but they all heard Murphy, so they assumed Evan meant Zoe as everyone would understand. Zoe was the perfect girl. Good grades, nice personality, and she was good looking.

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