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Evan saw a strange scene in front of him.

It was the entire galaxy.

It seemed as though the world he was on had simply faded away. He was just floating in the middle of the beautiful blend of colours. The wonderful colours of the stars and the planets around him. His hands felt around, noticing that the area around him felt soft to the touch, almost like clouds. He can't seem to move from this location, surrounded by fluffy space.

He noticed a tuft of hair. Long, messy and brown. He'd recognise that hair from anywhere. That was Connor's signature messy, brown hair. He was so far away, almost impossible to reach from where he was. He lifted his hand, stretching it out as best as he could as if that could reach Connor.

And suddenly his hand was on Connor's shoulders. His tap on the shoulders made Connor turn around slowly. Before he could face Evan, Evan noticed a loud sound. Someone biting something thick. He noticed that Connor had been holding something colourful and round, still turning tmaround at an extremely slow pace.

Finally, Connor turned and faced Evan completely. Evan could now see this round object, hidden by the shadow that hid the upper half of Connor's body. Connor brought the object towards his mouth, making a loud crunching sound, and then bringing back to its previous position.


Evan knew what that was.


That's a bathbomb.

Connor tilted his hand, and released the bathbomb. This caused the bathbomb to fall quickly into oblivion, as if it weighed a million tonnes. Connor stepped out of the shadow, now his full body was into view. His eyes held a dull look, almost terrifyingly so.

He opened his mouth, as something brown stretched out. It inched forward slowly, eventually  completely out of Connor's mouth. Evan noticed that the brown was a tree branch. With that realisation, a mixture of green and brown started emerging from Connor's body, his expression neutral as if this didn't bother him at all. Leaves and branches soon sprouted out, soon a whole tree bloomed from Connor's body.

Now he stood in the middle of a field, staring at this tall tree. The sound of rustling leaves filled his ears, as the warmth of the bright setting sun shone behind him. It casted Evan's shadow onto the tree, except that it didn't seem like Evan's normal shadow.

The shadow had empty eyes, tears in the corners of it. It's right arm gripping at it's left, a frown on it's face. Evan stared at this shadow, and then slowly backed away, hearing the loud rustling of grass with each step he took.

This time, he noticed Jared and Alana sitting on the branches of the tree, Jared on his left and Alana in his right. They both stared at Evan quietly, silently. This made him freeze on the spot.

Alana opened her mouth, just a little bit, but her voice was very much soft.

"Friends?" she would ask with a heavy sense of sarcasm, as her eyes stared at Evan with a dull look in her eyes. She was gripping onto the branch she sat on with one hand. The other held a cast.

"You're not my friend," Jared would reply in response to Alana's words, and in one hand he gripped the branch, the other, he held a doll resembling Evan by the throat.

Both continued shouting this at Evan, each time more hurtful to Evan. He covered his ears quickly to block out the horrible words uttered by his fruends, but they weren't blocked at all. They were echoing all around him. He shut his eyes, wishing all these yelling would cease, that he didn't have to go through with all this.

It stopped.

He opened his eyes. The two were now standing in front of him, a few meters apart, both still holding onto their respecting things, a cast and a doll of Evan. He noticed that he was in this white and empty room.

Dear Crush! | A Dear Evan Hansen Fanfiction |Where stories live. Discover now