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Evan had been extremely excited.

It's nearing the end of the school year, which gave them some time to celebrate their friendship for a year or so. Zoe had suggested that they have a picnic together at the old orchard tomorrow.

The reason Evan had felt incredibly ecstatic to have this outing was because he had realised that this was the perfect opportunity to paint a despised memory with a pleasant one.

He could hardly wait for tomorrow. He felt that he had all the time right now to try and prepare for the time tomorrow. He took hold of his phone, ready to text Jared. However, he saw that Jared had already been typing.

{Yo, evan. Can I come ovr l8r. I wanna talk abt smth}

{Firstly, nobody types later as l8r. Secondly, sure. We can plan the picnic too. I'll ask mom to make dinner for us, so come over for dinner too.}

{Oh cool. Ur mom makes good food}

Immediately, he called out to Heidi from his room, telling her that Jared wanted to come over. Heidi responded cheerfully, agreeing to cook him some food. He then glanced out the window, wondering about tomorrow and waiting for Jared to arrive.

After a long wait, he heard the door of his room open. Jared had walked in, turning on the light in the room which scared Evan. He noticed that it had started to become darker, the warm orange of the sky slowly being embellished by purple and blue.

He turned his head over, noticing that Jared did not have his signature grin. He looked pensive, as if the thoughts that had been swarming his mind and bothering him. He quietly sat on the bed, Evan slightly perturbed by his behaviour.

"J-Jared? Are you okay?" Evan asked timidly, taking a seat quietly next to him. Jared seemed to have bolted to attention the moment Evan spoke, which made him start to blink.

"Uh, yeah. Just...thinking, I suppose..." Jared muttered, taking in a short breath to regain his composure. "Uh, anyways, let's have the planing thing, cool?"

Evan was already skeptical, since that was the most unconvincing act. However, he kept himself from saying anything. He knew that Jared had to gather his thoughts before attempting to reach out for help. He then tried to lighten up the mood again, bringing up the things he had wanted to accomplish for the picnic.

They talked about what they were each meant to bring to the event. Evan had never flown a kite before, which led him to be excited about trying it out at the picnic. The only thing was, he did not have any kites in his house.

After coming to the realisation he did not have any kites, he looked visibly upset, looking down at the floor and gripping at the cloth of his clothes. Jared gave him a gentle smile, quietly tapping on his shoulder to have Evan look up at him. He then pointed to himself, waiting for Evan to realise what he meant.

Evan took a few seconds, before he exploded into a ball of joy. Jared just stared at Evan celebrating the fact that Jared had a kite, feeling so amused that Evan had had such a childish side to him while Evan was practically about to jump on the bed.

"Okay, Evan, I know that you want kites or whatever, which is boring-" A smile breaks out on Jared's face, which then morphs into a mischievous grin- "how about I pack some water balloons?"

Evan immediately stopped in his tracks, turning to Jared almost immediately. His face had signalled that he did not want to be a part of Jared's pranks, making Jared chuckle.

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