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Connor entered the room reluctantly, the confidence to apologise slowly dissipating the longer he stood in the room. Alana simply turned back to the television screen, watching some sort of movie.

He felt extremely awkward, being in a room together with Alana and Zoe while he was attempting to apologise to her. He knew that it was bound to get aggressive, so he did not want a witness to be in the room as this when situation progressed.

"Con, wait here. I'm getting some juice. Be right back!" Zoe stated, smiling. Alana turned to Zoe, her gaze still fixated on the television. She hummed in response, which gave Zoe the signal to leave the room to head downstairs for a drink and shut the door behind her.

Connor sighed, realising that he would probably be better off facing this head on, rather than trying to find ways out of it. He walked over to the side of the bed, sitting down onto the floor masked with the soft carpet. He leaned against the bed frame, resting his arms on her bed and silently waited.

Alana could not help but glance over at Connor, curiosity getting the best of her. She found it strange that Connor had wanted to speak to Zoe about something, despite both usually fighting and arguing to some extent. This thought of Zoe and Connor arguing caused her to worry.

Judging by the expression that hung on Connor's face, the conversation that was about to happen must have been extremely serious. This could lead to either sides growing violent or aggressive in the face of a sensitive topic that may pop up during said conversation.

She deduced that she might have to stay in the room, or at least be ready to resolve it by listening to the conversation from the outside. She concluded her thought process, glancing over to Connor once more.

He was in the process of tying his hair back, a hair band around his wrist as he pulled his hair back. He brushed his brown locks back, constantly switching hands from gripping the voluminous mass of hair and combing it back until he finally had most of his hair back.

He holds onto the ponytail of hair, pulling the hair band off of his wrist and slowly looping his hair through and finally finished, letting it drape down. Alana realised that he might find it suspicious if he caught her staring, so she turns back to the television, watching her movie.

An uncomfortable silence flooded the room, drowning the both of them in a strong sense of awkwardness. Connor would feel Alana's glance on him, which forced his body to start feeling uncomfortable.

"So, what did you want to talk to Zoey about?"

Connor flinched at the sudden question, but only barely. He turned his head, his eyes now fixated on Alana. She had a strange expression, that was very much unlike her. She seemed a tad bit angry, and serious.

Connor rolled his eyes, giving Alana a non-chalant expression. He felt around the pocket of his hoodie to fish out his phone.

"None of your business, Alana."

Alana sat up, immediately upon hearing those words. Connor could tell, from the shuffling of the sheets behind him. He sighs, pushing his phone back into his hoodie pocket, turning to face Alana and whatever objections she was about to raise.

Her face was now an obvious anger, which was even more out of character. However, it seemed as if that was also a strong sense of concern that was blended in with the furrowed eyebrows and the gritting of the teeth. Whether it was for Zoe or Connor was beyond him.

"Tell me, Connor," Alana spits out, even though her tone elicits that she was trying to maintain a caring front. She grabs onto the pillow that she had been lying on, holding it in her lap.

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