Murphys' Household

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It's a Thursday morning, before his mother went out for work, and he needed to ask his mom about the Friday lunch that they were invited to.

"Remember, honey," his mother cooed, holding Evan's hands and stared into his eyes, "get some food."

She was referring to Evan's anxiety. He almost never orders dinner as he was always to anxious to talk to the delivery person, or the apparent "awkward silence" as he counts the change. This is why Heidi has been giving Evan money to buy some food, to train him to be more familiar with the scene and less anxious. Even though Evan could not even begin to see how that would help.

"Y-yeah," Evan said, as he let his mother kiss him on the forehead, "I will."

"Oh, and mom?"

"Yes, Evan?"

"U-uh, you know Connor, right?"

"Yes, you've told me about him days ago. What about him, honey," she asked, walking around the house and searching for her keys as well as her purse. She was walking around quickly, so very panicked.

"U-um, his mom wanted to invite, uh, invite us over to their house tomorrow."

Heidi placed her phone in her purse, stopping in place after hearing that piece of news. She turned to Evan, her eyes widened as she slowly stood up straight. She gave herself a few more seconds to comprehend the new information.

Then, she smiled. She turned to Evan, and he could see the sparkles in her eyes as she walked over to Evan, the excitement.

"Oh, honey, that's wonderful!"

She paused, ferreting through her purse to look for something. She then pulled her phone out of her purse, and pressed a few buttons. Her eyes seemed to be scanning for something. The shifted from left to right, from up to down. Evan just stood in place, uncomfortable shifting the weight of his feet.

After a few seconds of glancing at her phone, Heidi looked up, her eyes filled with even more hope than before. A smile was implanted on her face.

"Okay, this is perfect. Tomorrow I don't have any work, but I would still have school. So I can stay until 6.30, latest."

Evan felt a huge sense of relief, as he relaxed. He gave Heidi a smile.

"Alright, okay. How about you tell Mrs Murphy that," she placed her phone in her bag, and walked to the door hurriedly, "we'll have lunch together?"

"Yeah, okay," Evan responded, earning another look of joy from his mom.

"Okay, I have to go now. Bye, Evan," Heidi said, before quickly leaving and leaving Evan to shout a quick bye.

Evan then turned his phone on, and quickly texted Connor.

{My mom said that she'll only be able to stay till 6.30pm}

{so lunch?}

Then he grabbed his bag, fidgeting with his cast as he went to search for his own keys. Oh, they're in the hooks beside the door. He quickly grabbed them and went back to his room, to grab that as well as his phone.

He saw the little WhatsApp notification, and swipped down, seeing Connor's name and 2 new messages beneath it. He then tapped it, which once again brought up the nature background.

{lol ok}

{see ya}

He giggled, and then pressed the side button on his phone, heading to school.

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