You will be found

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"Fucking hell!"

Connor screams, slamming his fist onto the wall beside the door of his room. He kept punching it, over and over again until his knuckles bled, until it started to hurt. He was tearing up, and he was angry. The punches sounded around the house, loud thud rhythmically following his bellow. All of his current emotions went into these punches and screams, and he felt like his heart was being broken into two.

Zoe rushes back into the house, panicking as she gripped at her hair in frustration and paced around. Jared tried his very best to be calm, but he was far from it. He was stumbling to get a grip of his phone, as his hands trembled. Alana stood at the door, ready to have a full scale search party as well as a full on panic attack.

Zoe rushes up the stairs, barely stepping onto the wooden planks of the second floor when she saw her own brother staring back at her. His eyes burned with anger, with sadness, with pain. It gave her the most uncomfortable feeling, seeing the little musical notes around his head melt into a black and gray background behind his entire body, almost like the depths of the unknown, the depths of despair.

"Connor," Zoe heard herself shout, as if all of the pent up rage from within of the many suspicions of Connor and Evan's relationships, of her own horrible bond between Connor and herself being emphasised behind this scream, "what the hell did you do?"

Connor responded with a snarl, offended by the accusations and shouted back at Zoe with the same amount of anger.

"Me? Why don't fucking ask Evan?"

"Evan?" Zoe responded, her acidic tone practically spilling onto every single word she managed to spit out at Connor, "what the fuck do you mean?"

"He's the one who wants to fucking break up with me for no damn reason!"

Zoe was taken aback. Her eyes widened, as she saw the black and gray background behind Connor flicker, almost like an old television. The flickering allowed gaps between lines, like a glitchy program. From those gaps, blue started seeping out. Not bright blue, a deep, sad blue. She heard footsteps behind her and assumed that Jared and Alana had arrived upstairs behind her, having heard everything Connor yelled.

"Are you fucking shitting me, Connor?" Jared yelled from behind Zoe, making her let go of the breath she didn't even realise that she had been holding. She turned around, seeing Jared. His face was molded into pure anger, gritting his teeth as his brows furrowed.

This was the first time that she had ever seen Jared angry, and it absolutely terrified her. His anger practically radiated off of him, causing a feeling of distraught in her heart as she watched him scream at Connor.

"What the fuck do you want, Kleinman," Connor replied, getting more and more infuriated. This ticked Jared off even more than he had been before. He stormed up to Connor, his foot slamming down onto the wood and causing a loud creaking. He marched up to Connor, gripping him by the collar and staring straight in his eyes.

Jared's anger filled eyes, burning with all of the wrath he could muster, glared into Connor's infuriating eyes filled with a mixture of sadness and anger.

"You want to fucking explain why Evan ran out of those doors-" his free hand shot towards the direction of the front doors of the house, as his grip on Connor's collar grew stronger- "from out of your fucking room, Connor?"

Jared was seething with rage, and it definitely did not help when Connor seemed like he was pinning the mistake on Evan. This was when Alana stepped in. She could not bare to see them fighting any longer. As much as she agreed with Jared on his stance, she voted to be neutral.

"Guys, cut it out," she shouted, calling the attention of all three. She then marched her way in between Jared and Connor, pushing them apart. Despite Jared's reluctance to let go, he released Connor from his grip and turned away, folding his arms in rage.

Dear Crush! | A Dear Evan Hansen Fanfiction |Where stories live. Discover now