Drabbles 3

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41. Job

It's honestly strange to see Jared doing anything serious.

That's why Evan had been so surprised when they managed to see Jared working at a nearby bakery recently. He was afraid to approach him, unaware as to how he'll react, so he watched him from afar.

He saw Jared sit behind the counter, manning the cash register. He would occasionally start by taking the bread the customer wishes to by in a bag, going through the transaction process and then bid them farewell with a smile.

Evan stared at this scene unfolding, noticing how different Jared was than his usual demeanour.

42. Fidget Cube (2)

Evan absolutely loved the fidget cube that Connor gave him.

He found himself mindlessly toying with it whenever he had the chance to. It was especially helpful during his meditation. He needed to be calm and collected, and the fidget cube did exactly that.

Having it in his hands had brought back many memories of Connor, however. So, he felt conflicted with this item. On one hand, he loved it and the sentimental value of it. On the other hand, it kept reminding him of Connor even though he needed to think for himself and not for others.

He groaned, throwing his head back into the soft pillow, trying to maintain his mental strength to refrain from talking to anyone else about the situation.

43. Homework

"Wow, I..." Connor was speechless. He did not expect to be in such a situation, and certainly not so soon. He glances over at Evan, who held a gentle smile.

It was almost strange to him, considering how he was not the type to do this type of thing. It's also a miracle, how he managed to be encouraged by Evan into doing his work this early into the break.

Connor sat at his desk, at home. Evan had been lying down on the bed, drinking from a CapriSun mindlessly and scrolling on his phone. He spoke, the straw still gently clasped between his teeth.

"C-Con, i-it's just homework. I can help you whenever."

44. Strange

Never in his life had Connor Murphy once thought of someone in a nice way before.

Everyone around him had some quality he could immediately pick out. His sister was wonderful with finding unexpected ways to annoy him. His mother was a sap, so he had to be careful with the words he used. His father was seemingly unable to care about Connor.

Everyone at school was the same. Robert was a dick because he's insecure about god-knows-what. The crowd was only ever observant to drama. Everyone around him sucked.

And then, Evan.

He didn't really expect to find anyone decent, to be honest. He knew immediately that Evan was insecure, which could prove that he was an experienced pathological liar. Yet, he could notice that he showed interest in this kid.

He wondered, staring at the back of Evan's head as Evan desperately glanced up at the board to copy down notes.

45. Love

Alana did like Zoe.

It's honestly strange to have this love for someone. You think off someone as this friend you've never been close to. Then, you start becoming best friends. You guys do everything together.


Now you find yourself looking away, unable to maintain eye contact. Now you find it obsolete to stare at them and admire them from a distance.

Dear Crush! | A Dear Evan Hansen Fanfiction |Where stories live. Discover now