Drabbles 2

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21) "Why?"


Evan screamed at Connor, anger bubbling in his tone. He glared at Connor, absolutely furious over how idiotic his actions had been.

"Babe, calm down," Connor chuckled, in his hand a small eraser as he leaned in to give Evan a kiss on his cheek, only to have Evan duck back and turning away from Connor with an almost child like pout.


"That was the most perfect hand I've ever drawn, Connor!"

22) "Cigarettes"

Connor Murphy had his fair share of drugs. He usually smoked to calm himself down. His temper usually gets ahead of him, and he would start to blindly shout and scream at others.

It was only until a few days ago did he notice a shift.

He wasn't taking drugs at all, recently. It was almost as if he had hated the idea of it. He would try with something small, a pack of cigarettes. He figured that if he couldn't feel the need to smoke weed, he'll smoke cigarettes.

He took out a cigarette butt, placing it between his lips. He held the lighter up, striking a flame and placed it near the tip. The tip started to ignite, allowing Connor to start inhaling.

However, the first breath he took, he coughed, spitting out the disgusting smoke.

He stared at the pack, mystified as to what caused this changes.

Something strikes his brain.

An idea.

He then took the pack and tossed it into the trash. He watched as the little plastic box bounced its way down a rubbish bin, and smiled.

"This is his fault, huh?" Connor asked himself softly, thinking of a certain boy he had gotten attached to.

23) "Confidence?"

Evan was walking beside Connor, on their way home. They were chatting with each other, when these two junior girls ran up to them. One had brown hair, tied up in a ponytail while the other had black hair, smoothly gliding down her back.They had an excited look in their eyes, body bouncing with energy.

Evan looked to Connor, and then back to the girls, absolutely confused.

"How long have you guys been together?"

Evan blushes, absolutely shocked to hear that from utterly complete strangers. He glances over to Connor, too flustered to answers.

"For quite a while now," Connor answers, not even a shred of hesitation. Evan then leaned on Connor, hugging his arms shyly as the two girls continued to grin.

"Can you tell us how you two are so confident?"

Connor blanks for a moment, tilting his head to show confusion. He noticed that the girls' grins seemingly faded slightly, replaced with a scared look, even though they still held their smiles.

"What do you mean?"

Both girls seemed hesitant to answer. The brown haired girl turned and faced the black haired girl, suggesting a seemingly bizarre idea through her look. The black haired girl was terrified, but nodded her head.

The brown haired girl turned to Connor and Evan, slowly parting her lips. She then spoke quietly, afraid that others might hear her.

"W-well, we're…um…we…uh…"

Connor read her facial expressions, her body language. He glanced at both girls, scanning them for any signs of answers when the idea popped in his mind.

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