Aphrofloric Hallucination Disease

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Evan and Connor were in Connor's room, comfortable lying on Connor's bed. They were both scrolling on their phone, trying to figure out how they managed to hallucinate.

Evan tried his luck, typing in exactly what he saw into the search bar. 'A bunch of roses in my boyfriend's hair and I'm the only one who can see them.' he waited, watching the little spiral of blue spin over and over as the page loaded.

Finally the page loaded. He lit up, noticing that there was actually many different searches that popped up for him to view. However, that excitement quickly vanished and was replaced by irritation. The first result was lyrics to some song he did not care about. The next search was 'Scott Pilgrim vs. The World'. He had heard of that title, actually. Was it a book or something?

Irritated, he continued scrolling down, trying to find something to explain it. Something about Twitter, something about someone imagining what their boyfriend's ex-girlfriends were doing, which he added was quite a strange thing to wonder.

He scrolled to the bottom, scanning the last few results, which were articles about exes. This annoyed Evan, as he clicked over to the second page, trying to hope for a result remotely relevant to what he had searched for.

Again, there were more stuff about exes, Scott Pilgrim, and other annoying things that did not matter to Evan. That is, until he came across a specific article.

The Aphrofloric Hallucination Di… -

Curious, Evan tapped on it. Once again, the screen was loading the image, the little blue bar on top reaching from left to right, before a page popped up. It had a teal background, with vines of roses growing out. In front of this background was a white page, with a whole paragraph worth of information.

【Aphrofloric Hallucinations】

That title immediately caught his eye. He had never heard of such a fancy name for a disease before. That intrigued him, guiding him to scroll downward to read the information presented to him.

The Aphrofloric Hallucination Disease, also known as the Longing Illusion Disease, is a strange disease that is contracted by inhaling the odourless fumes naturally emitted by the Aphrofloria plant. The disease will cause the infect to hallucinate based on strong emotions, most commonly love, hate and anger.

Evan read the paragraph stated below the title, feeling the idea of this disease solve the many different puzzles that had been impossible to figure out. He felt that this disease was the correct answer to their hallucinations.

Intrigued, he scrolled further, a sense of excitement to learn more about this.

The Aphrofloric plant is a very strange looking plant. It is very small, thus it blends into its environment nicely. The chances of coming into contact with these plants are quite rare, however.

This was quite the relief to Evan. He was expecting these types of plants to be interacting with him quite frequently. They were small, so they could have grown anywhere. Inside the cracks of the wooden floor or the little garden he had outside his home.

【How did I contract it】

The first and most obvious way would be to have come in contact with one of these plants and inhaled the fumes. They usually grow in places such as the trunk of a tree, or inside the remains of a tree, such as a tree stump.

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