Glowing Flowers

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That's fucking weird.

Connor was in class, blocking out whatever the teacher was saying simply because it was not interesting at all. He glanced over at Evan, who was right beside him, and noticed that Evan had this sort of...angelic halo around him. His hair also had some roses blooming out, petals occasionally falling to the ground and then fading away.

It didn't immediately strike him as strange, since he actually went to school high on pot that day. Sometimes, the drug addiction overtakes him. However, he has been taking it much less frequently than he use to, all thanks to Evan. He saw Evan looking at him, a concerned look in his eyes. That made Connor giggle. He just felt so relaxed, and so joyful to know that Evan cared for him.

The sharp and piercing ring of a bell emitted near him, and so he looked towards its direction, just as everyone around him stood up collectively and scattered. Evan gripped onto Connor's hand, leading him out of the class. That made Connor happier.

Apparently, they were now walking over to the cafeteria.

Oh, it's lunch? Alright.

He saw more people walking beside Evan.

Oh, Kleinman and Alana.

He saw Evan turn to talk to the two of them, a smile of Jared's face as he listened to Evan.

"Jared, Alana, please help me," Evan asked, as a drowsy and happy Connor clung to his arm with a toothy grin and dull eyes. All he got as a response was a chuckle from Jared, and a snicker from Alana.

"Come on, this isn't funny," Evan replied desperately, as his face heat up at how cute Connor was acting by clinging at his arm. It honestly made him happy.

"Oh, I think it's hilarious," Jared replied, still chuckling.

Kleinman better not be making fun of my Ev, Connor thought. Next thing that happened, Connor engulfed Evan in a hug. His face still held a grin as he embraced Evan. Evan let out a small shriek, as his face became a darker shade of red. Immediately, he threw his hands over his face to hide the blush. Meanwhile, Jared and Alana started to chortle, Jared almost coughing up his lungs laughing.

Zoe had walked towards them, attracted by the laughter from the two. She looked at the Jared and Alana, smiling as the laughter was extremely contagious. Then, at Evan and Connor. She hummed in acknowledgement, immediately recognised the situation.

"Oh," she hummed, a non-chalant look in her eyes as she stood next to Jared and Alana, "he's high. Okay."

"Z-Zoey, help me," Evan muttered out from behind his hands, which caused the request to sound even more muffled. Connor looked up to see Zoe. He saw little musical notes dancing about her head, almost excitedly so.

That is strange.

Really strange.

"Nah, give him a day," Zoe replied, clearly unwilling to help. She actually didn't know how, since Connor usually denied help. At this point, it was normal to see him high.

"B-but, how do I know he's going to be focused in class? I-I mean, what if he accidentally knocks into someone a-and he makes that person mad a-a-and he just looks so casual about it that it'll anger the other person and-"

Zoe gripped Evan's shoulders, shaking him back to reality. She stared at him, a warm smile on her face. Evan, being the anxious mess he is, would stare into her eyes for a few seconds before looking away as he was uncomfortable with staring into another person's eyes for a long time.

"He's been through this before, Evan. It's fine. Just leave your boyfriend to his own thing for today. I'll take care for him when we get back."

Evan had no choice but to nod in agreement, as Jared walked over to give him a pat in the back as comfort.

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