Bonding Time

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The bell rang.

It's finally time for students to leave, for at least a good two days of rest. Yep, the sacred Friday of the week.

Jared was walking over to his locker, ready to place his annoying Chemistry textbook in his locker and leave. His chemistry teacher had been going on and on about how in order for them to pass their tests, they would need to bring the textbook and take notes, because they'd have notes to back up on whenever the needed to revise something quickly.

Which is true. Jared was very much aware that he needed to do that. What he hated was the way he presented it. He kept repeating the same sentence over and over and over again. It was one of his pet peeves. To hear someone repeat the same instructions over and over again. He knew that the teacher meant no harm, he probably just wanted to emphasise that fact. It made Jared feel bad to think he hated his teacher for something he couldn't control, but it infuriated him and ruined his mood to do anything chemistry related.

He fiddled with his locker, a frown on his face as he recollected the horrible memory of his teacher's rambling, when he felt a tug on his shirt.

He turned to face the person, to find Evan timidly gripping onto him.

"Oh, Evan," Jared said, smiling as he opened his locker, "what's up?"

He placed his textbook in his locker and shut the locker, careful not to make it too loud or it might shock Evan.

"A-are you, um," he asked, fiddling with his shirt's hem and shifting in place, "are you free today?"

Jared raised an eyebrow, as he saw Evan quietly and patiently awaiting an answer.

"Are you going on another—"

Evan quickly threw his hands forward to cover Jared's mouth, and was glancing around while panicking. Only a few students around them turned to face them out of curiosity, but eventually they all continued walking about, ignoring the both of them.

"D-don't call it a date," Evan screamed quietly, removing his hand and sighing with relief that nobody cared to ask, "and no, I'm not."

"Okay," Jared replied.

He then thought about Evan's question, thinking about what he'd be doing. There isn't any homework, luckily so. He did want to play a game today, but he'd be fine.

"I'm free, by the way," Jared replied to his question, seeing Evan's eyes light up, "why?"

"A-awesome! Okay, let's go get Alana," he continued, grabbing his hand and pulling him over to where he last saw Alana. Jared was just extremely confused, as he's strung along by Evan by the arm.

Eventually, they found Alana, who was just about to leave the building.

"Alana," Evan called out, which made her turn towards her right to locate Evan. Funnily enough, as she whipped her hair back, it danced and landed on her left shoulder. This made Evan giggle a bit, and made Jared roar with laughter, to the point it took him a solid two minutes to calm down while Evan and Alana stood by and watched.

"Okay, okay," Jared said, wiping tears of joy from his eyes he stood up, since he was slouching over when he laughed, hands on his knees, "I think I'm done."

Evan stared at Jared, very much unamused at this point, and then looked at Alana, who wore the same look.

"O-okay," he breathed, seemingly reciting the words he wanted to say quietly to himself, "a-are you, um, are you free today?"

"Oh, yes," Alana replied, as she dug into her bag. She pulled out what seemed like a notebook of sorts, flipping through some pages, and then looked at Evan with a smile, "I am free today. What do you need?"

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