Drabbles 1

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Author's note : So, I've kinda stopped getting ideas for a full 2000+ word part, so I thought, 'hm, why not give my wonderful readers many little stories of this entire fanfic.

P.S. yes I'm a bamsarakilledyou copycat, but to say I'm the same as them will be insulting them.

1) "Disgusting"

"Disgusting," Jared muttered in mock disgust after seeing what played out before him. Connor had just snuck up behind Evan, giving him a hug lovingly as Evan giggled, blushing wildly.

"Aw," Alana made her way beside Jared, admiring the love between the two, "those two are adorable!"

"Yeah, adorably gross," he muttered, faking a gagging sound.

Meanwhile, Connor was lovingly holding Evan's hand, proud that he manage to get him before anyone else. Both of them were still getting use to the whole dating situation, even thought Connor has had experience in the past, but that didn't help either as they were both blushing madly.

"I, uh, Connor," Evan timidly called out, grabbing Connor's attention.


"I, um, I love you."

Connor felt his face heat up even more than it already was. He used his other hand and gripped his heart, feeling as if an arrow of love had just shot his heart. Connor thought that that was about as adorable as a rabbit twitching it's nose, playing with a kitten who had just sneezed.

"God, stop being cute," he responded, breathing becoming a tad bit difficult, "love you too."

Jared stared at this exchange and pinched the bridge of his nose, feeling a smile tugging at his lips.

"I stand by my statement," he said, talking to Alana who had been amazed by the exchange herself, "these two are disgusting."

2) "Hair"

They were both in Connor's room, lying on the bed in comfortable silence. Evan had brought with him a notebook, where he did all his doodling. He usually just drew small trees, or cute little doodles of people.

Connor laid beside him, quietly scrolling through Tumblr. He glanced towards Evan, who was concentrating on drawing this person, Elle Woods, he said, when he was suddenly intrigued by Evan's hair.

"Hey, Ev," Connor whispered, as the room was quiet and there was no reason to raise their voices any louder than that.


"Can I, uh, can I ruffle through your hair?"

Evan looked from his drawings, a slight blush on his face, but he nodded anyways, and looked back down to continue doodling.

Connor reached forward, brushing his hand through Evan's hair. His hair was quite short, but it wasn't spiky. It was surprisingly soft. Connor ruffled through his hair a bit more, before retracting his hand.

"Huh, it actually isn't all that spiky."

Evan nodded with acknowledgement, without looking up.

Connor then move his hand to Evan's chin to bring his head up, giving him a quick kiss on the lip and smiled.

"Love ya."

"L-love you too."

3) "Video Chat Ended" (Credit to C0nnor-Mur)

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