The Prep

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So, Connor is stressed at the moment.

He is preparing for a little picnic for the both of them. Found a little picnic basket, managed to get the picnic blanket as well. He decided to stop by a 7-11 to get some sandwiches, since he didn't really have any spreads.

Now, his outfit.

What would he wear?

Earlier, he texted Evan about the little picnic thing, which took Evan a while to reply as he kept typing something, but then rethinking on it. He told Connor that he'd love to have a picnic, which briefly made Connor have this sudden urge to protect him?


Right. His outfit.

He was currently swimming his way through a sea of dark clothes. He had thrown all his clothes out to find something sensible, but to no avail.

He searched, until he heard some footsteps echoing near him. To his right. They were loud, and then they got closer and closer.

"Connor, can you help me with my make-up-"

The footsteps halted at the door.

He lifted his head up from the sea of clothes and looked towards his door, his sister standing in the doorway with a make-up set in left hand, a brush on her right and eye shadow on her right eye that was too thick of a layer.

She stared at Connor, a neutral look.

"Wow," was all she said.

Connor gave her sister a look of unamusment.


He saw Zoe's eyes widen a bit, before returning to her neutral look. She blinked a few times, stared at the sea of clothes once more and looked back at Connor.

"Right, okay," she replied, walking over to Connor and placing her make-up set on his table as she passed by it. She helped Connor find a nice looking shirt, while she asked short questions.

"Is it Evan?"

Connor nodded.

"How important," she quickly asked again, before adding, "to you."


Zoe stared at him, giving a sort of glare. Connor immediately got what she mean, and elaborated on what he meant.

"Let's see," Connor mumbled, thinking of the perfect way to phrase his words, "'I broke my guitar on the day of the performance and I need a new one now', important?"

"Oh geez," Zoe responded, impressed by how much this specific outing meant to Connor. "Alright then, how fancy?"

This took a moment more to think.

A trip to the orchard definitely isn't tuxedo fancy, but it still should be relatively fancy, right? How exactly is that supposed to be described?

"Oh," Connor thought that he should just tell her it was a picnic. That way, the expectation should be obvious, "it's a picnic."

Zoe had a neutral look during this entire exchange, up to this point. To this point, her lips curled upwards, revealing a smirk as well as her suggestive stare.

"What's that look for?"

Zoe's smile only got wider, as amusement became more evident.

"Date with Evan?"

Connor stared at Zoe, a look of unamusment. Suddenly, the realisation slapped him across the face. His mind reviewed all of the actions from the moment they became friends, to that point. They started chatting, walking by each other to class, sitting together. For fuck's sake, Connor pet his head. Of course people were going to think that they were dating. Of course Zoe was gonna think that, which is why she would even think of it as a date.

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